My mother is like this. She will never be happy and is addicted to being a victim. My mother actually pulled the victim card during Covid because her work was paying her to not work but she had to call every morning in case they needed her. She said it was worse having to call in the morning rather than work so was basically a victim because she got free paid time off while lots of people had lost all of their income.
Nothing you do will make this woman happy. Don’t try and be more friendly to her because it doesn’t matter. Better to act disinterested in everything she says and don’t answer personal questions she can twist and gossip about to other people.
I can’t suggest anyone because I use gsuite legacy but in 2022 when they were going to stupidly start charging for something they said would be free forever people put together a spreadsheet comparing providers. Might be out of date for some but might be helpful.
Here is the Reddit thread for it and Here’s a direct link to the spreadsheet