• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • IMO improving graphics technology is a case of diminishing returns. Sure you can always make a better looking game by throwing more processing power at it, but that has (at best) a minor effect on things like gameplay and story. Like seriously, if Squenix had decided to make FF7: Rebirth in the PS3 era, other then some uglier graphics how much would the game have have been different?

    And (to actually tie this in to the thread) that’s the reason PS5 sales have been so sluggish. What do you really need those PS5 graphics for? I mean my PC is still running hardware from 5-10 years ago, because there isn’t anything I really need to upgrade for. Most of what I’ve been playing is indy titles and for the few graphic intensive games I want to play they’ll usually run if I lower some graphics settings.

  • Kinda hard to categorize. I mean, child me would have lost their mind over most modern games, but back when I was a kid in the late 80’s having a game who’s gameplay was more complex than “shoot till you die” was revolutionary. As such I’m gonna rank my three picks taking into account to the era they released.

    Adventure. Adventure was a goal oriented… well, adventure game. That doesn’t sound like much now but at the time it was amazing. You had to move multiple items one at a time while dodging dragons (or killing them if you had the right item) to complete the game. Add in a item stealing bat and a item randomizer mode and for the time it was a truly amazing game for the time.

    Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger joins time traveling with the standard “saving the world” storyline, but somehow it’s more than the sum of it’s parts. IMO Chrono Trigger is the pinnacle of the SNES JRPG with the perfect mix of taking itself seriously and just being a fun RPG.

    Binding of Issac. One of the early “Roguelike unlock-a-thon” games BoI has just the right mix of “I want to unlock a new item” and “How broken will this run get?” that keeps me coming back. Granted, I’m combining the original Binding of Issac with Rebirth through Afterbirth here, but there’s enough continuity for me to group them all together.

  • 3 was kinda weird, I didn’t care for the pointer aiming and the NPC filled intro made the game feel kinda Halo-ish. Still a good game, but kinda the odd one out of the Prime trilogy.

    Also surprised that you skipped the Wii, for all the shovelware there were a lot of very solid games on the console. You might still want to pick one up second hand for cheap. With some homebrewing you can load Wii and Gamecube images off a hard drive, and it’s got surprisingly solid emulators for the fourth and below console generations… of course even a budget PC could emulate all of that as well as WII and GC games now.