Not directed exclusively at me, but I had a math teacher throw a temper tantrum directed at a classroom of 4th graders about how much of a personal injustice it was to her that our parents kept sending her complaints, and that has got to be the worst thing she did.
To give you a picture as to why she might’ve been getting so many, when my Mom sent in one of these “complaints,” she received a response in the form of a metaphor about how coal must be put under immense pressure in order to become a diamond… I think my Mom responded that something like a flower might serve as a better metaphor for a fucking 9 year old, though I doubt it did much to change that jerk’s mind.
Anyway, having her as an instructor set me back at least a year in math, and I’ve had other people who were in that class say that that’s where their issues with anxiety started.
Hyperpipe (self-hostable YTMusic frontend) supports accounts, which allows for syncing between devices. It really needs an app on at least mobile for it to really be worth it though, as right now it can only be used through the web UI.