Okay here’s the plan.
I gonna slam the door open, run straight in, and attack with the most basic of attacks I can think of.
It’s foolproof.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
Okay here’s the plan.
I gonna slam the door open, run straight in, and attack with the most basic of attacks I can think of.
It’s foolproof.
May I… Stand unshaken…
“…thank you…”
I’m not crying YOU’RE CRYING
I got a new laptop last year, and now the old one is sitting next to my laser engraver, probably hoping I will never open it again but it’s going to be my dedicated laser laptop now.
At least the programs I’m using on it are all 5ish years old, so it’s not straining to keep up with new software.
I can still feel it heat up a lot just being idle, and I’d like to clean it up to improve it’s response time.
This comic has made me feel bad for my old laptop…
The only celebrating I do is eating slightly more unhealthy, take the day off work unless it’s going to be a short day, and maybe look to see if any games in my “maybe if it’s on steep sale” list are on sale.
That’s it.
I don’t remind people, I dont expect anyone to remember, but it’s nice when they do.
My excuse for missing people’s birthdays is I DO know the date… I just don’t know what the date today is. Sure I know my sister was born on the 12th, but that doesn’t matter if I think today is the 10th and it’s actually the 15th…
So if I have that much problem, it wouldn’t be very chill to be upset with others for missing mine.
My favorite part of control is how they go into juuuuuuust a little bit of explaining how things work in a science way, and sometimes you can almost feel how things are connected, and then it’s like “Yeah we have no fucking clue how any of this actually works, we’re just trying to keep it all from destroying the universe and keeping notes along the way.”
And then you meet the next thing that almost makes sense. Until it doesn’t.
I don’t remember if I ever finished AW but I do believe I have the disk around here somewhere. The control dlc definitely rekindled my interest.
Control was great
I love games that make me think outside the box
Not even a little. I went out in shorts and a t-shirt for about an hour, exchanged banal pleasantries with family until my anxiety got the better of me and I had to leave, sat in a room with no windows watching old shows and snacking, and am waiting until exhaustion allows me to sleep a couple hours until I go to work on one of the two days remaining on my schedule. After that I might not have any work for months unless I can find something close by that doesn’t make me legitimately contemplate things. I have a broken tooth, some kind of respiratory thing going on, and an unmentionable medical issue that really needs to be seen by a doctor but I can’t afford one and my government insurance was denied because I made a couple thousand more this year than last year.
On the bright side, my truck is finally working again and assuming the now-slowly-leaking-while-on fuel pump doesn’t catch a spark before I can afford to have it replaced I don’t have to share a car this week. Which is nice.
“hey let’s release the same thing over and over again, charge almost full game price for it, and whenever something new comes out, just delete everything they’ve already paid for.”
“hey why aren’t people continuing to buy our game…”
Yeah. Great mystery, that one.
Bungie will never get another dollar from me.
A person can dream.
My parents have between 1,000 and 3,000 books… Even they aren’t sure.
Last time they were neatly arranged I was a child.
Right now they have 3 floor-to-ceiling bookshelves stacked as densely as possible, 3 books deep, with as many stacked In and laying on top as can fit Ina rectangle 10ft tall, 4ft wide, and 18ish inches deep.
Plus a handful of waist high shelves, multiple moving boxes filled up that haven’t been emptied since they moved in2017 and a ton scattered all over the house…
They have more fantasy/Sci fi books than every library in a 50 mile radius combined.
I still have less than 30 books to my name since most of mine are digital, but I’ve been going to half price books looking to get physical copies of everything.
They barely watch dvds anymore since they’re spending like 100/mo on various streaming subs.
They’ve had a book in hand for as long as I can remember, nowadays it’s a Kindle but their disorganization has been present as long as I can remember, too.
Last year I watched their dog while they were out of town, and I reorganized their dvd collection in alphabetical order, keeping the various series together.
In less than 6 months it was essentially back to complete chaos. And in that time,according to them, they barely watched any dvds, they just looked through the shelves a bunch to figure out what they have.Why that requires them to pull movies out and out them back in a different spot, I’m not sure.
When I was a child, I once knocked every book off every shelf in the house.
Because I had 6 books in alphabetical order on my little shelf in my room. My mother kept rearranging them in as close a rainbow distribution as possible… I asked her to stop many times, but ultimately decided if you’re going to mess up my shelf, I will mess up yours.
Surprisingly this tactic worked, and they didn’t make me clean up the books by myself, they did most of it.
Their idea of “organizing” the books is “well most of the books in that series are close to each other, but a bunch of other random ones are mixed in, and entire genres have been rearranged many times so who knows what books we even actually have”
They have a similar way of organizing dvds. It’s infuriating.
Make every company that has a whistleblower die in ANY way face extremely heavy penalties including, but not limited to: 75% taxing on all income for a period of time as part of a fine, jail time for executives, board members, and potentially large shareholders, potential nationalization of the company, etc
Make every company afraid to have a whistleblower die. Make them want to hire private security and pay for all health expenses to ensure the person lives because the alternative is the company ceases to exist in any way that benefits those in charge.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone would ask you “Are you okay with sitting at the bar with nazis?” yet plenty will happily judge you for saying “I’d rather not have to deal with MAGAts and their opinions”
Sorry but if your opinion is “trans people aren’t people” or “blacks need to know their place” then your opinion is shit and no the fuck I don’t have to listen to it
I was going to mention how “first world problems” this is, but then noticed it’s in mildly infuriating.
Same thing, basically.
Commenters are the worst.
Especially the ones that have custom profiles with names and shit.
Like Bro you aren’t fooling anyone, we all know you aren’t really a squid that flies.
Did you just link tvtropes with no warning?
I once dropped a water bottle out of my backpack, and couldn’t find it when I retraced my hike, but I did start noticing tons of trash everywhere.
So I started keeping a trash bag in my backpack, and filling a small bag every time I hike.
I may not have found my bottle, but I’ll make sure I clean up more than I left every time I’m out.
I’ve had plenty of times where I get home and empty my pockets of the trash I accumulated with no can nearby.
And if I try to put something in a can and it falls out, I’m taking it with me because I didn’t succeed in throwing it away.
Shrugging ans saying “well I tried” as you walk away isn’t even trying.
Every single part of this comment just screams “It just wouldn’t be proper!”
And I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to care about what’s “proper” when half my friends now have reasonable fear for their lives, not just “comfort of living” just because they are lgbtq+ living in deep red country.