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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Is there anything you have done for which, if I had done the same actions, I would be irredeemable?

    Is there anything that you have done, for which if I had done, you would expect me to jump into the volcano?

    Feel free to judge yourself just a tiny bit more harshly than you would judge others. But only slightly. Give yourself as much of a break as you would give me after expressing remorse for my actions.

  • The 15% or 20% guidelines are based on the amount of work performed by the tipped employees (who earn less than minimum wage before tips.) the amount of the check correaponds pretty closely to how much time a waiter has to spend serving a table.

    Drivers are not usually employees; they usually have $0/hr in wages, and pay their own fuel and vehicle expenses. Delivery services typically pay $2 per trip, and a trip will involve 2-4 stops. The base pay from the delivery service does not even cover fuel costs, let alone the driver’s time.

    The amount of work a delivery driver performs is not at all related to the amount of the check. The 15%/20% rules are not remotely close to the amount of work the driver performs. $8 on a $20 order is a garbage tip if it’s a 10-mile delivery to a fourth-floor walkup. $4 on a $70 order might be a decent tip if it’s a 1-mile delivery to a front porch.

    The appropriate tip for delivery is based on mileage, not food price. $1 for pickup, $1 for dropoff, and $1 per mile is a pretty basic tip. A driver can complete about 3, $2 runs per hour. $3 tips gives him a gross income of about $15/hr, and he can net about $10-12 of that after expenses.

  • The scenario you describe actually demonstrates my point. Where anonymity is “illegal”, the only entity you can trust to protect your privacy is you.

    That fact does not change when anonymity is “legal”. That fact does not change even when anonymity is mandated. Even if it is a criminal act for me to make a record of who is accessing my service, that is only a legal restriction. It is not a technical restriction. You can’t know whether I am abiding by such a law at the time you are accessing my service. A law mandating anonymity doesn’t actually protect your anonymity; it just gives you the illusion that your anonymity is being protected.

    The relevant difference between your scenario and reality is that in your scenario, nobody is blatantly lying about whether your privacy is under attack: it most certainly is.

  • There is an IOS app for hot air balloon pilots called “Hot Air”. There is a similar app for Android that… Leaves much to be desired.

    There’s several functions that are needed. First, we need a map. We need to be able to enter waypoints and/or polygons charting landing zones, prohibited zones, targets, etc. we need an easy way to select targets, and our bearing and distance to those targets.

    For planning purposes, we need a bearing line that we can place and move on that map. We need to be able to easily drag and drop each end of the line, and get the bearing and distance between the endpoints.

    Next, we need track recording. It should record a ground track during flight, preferably with altitude information, and notes about the flight.

    Next, a wind map. The wind speed and direction varies considerably by altitude. It needs to record direction and speed as we climb and descend, telling us what altitude has winds favorable for our current target.

    Bonus points if we can prepopulate that wind map with data from a “pibal” (pilot balloon; a simple latex party balloon released and tracked with compass and stopwatch before a flight)

    Next, coordination with other pilots and ground crews. 3D location sharing between participants; wind map data shared between pilots.

  • Don’t worry about the accuracy of the specific diagnosis. Focus on whether treatment is effective.

    The treatment options are the same for many similar conditions, so even if the diagnosis isn’t quite accurate, treatment can be effective.

    Also frustrating: not all treatment options are equally effective, not all individuals have the same treatment expectations, and diagnostic science is not able to reliably and immediately predict the best treatment for your specific circumstances. It can take weeks or months to find a combination of medication, diet, mentality, routine, and lifestyle factors that work for you, and those can potentially be disrupted by factors as simple as the changing of the seasons.

    I don’t mean for that to sound discouraging. I am only trying to manage expectations. You are very likely to see some positive changes, possibly large, probably small. You’re also likely to experience some side effects, possibly small, probably large. The objective is to continuously adapt and tune your lifestyle to maximize the positives while minimizing the negatives.