• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • In general their mice are weirdly perverse in the way they fail. I’ve never seen one fail in any way besides the buttons, usually failing into double-clicking. Like it feels like they would last super-long if they just used better components for the buttons. The mousewheel has never failed on me, the radio has never failed on me, the main sensor has never failed on me, nor the laser… just the clicky buttons.

  • God damn how is it that Sega has never released a Sonic Adventure-style game with that kind of online multiplayer? It’s so freaking obvious and yet we’ve never seen it.

    Some of the gameplay mechanics look a bit… unnecessary? Like riding on vehicles, at least at speed. And I’ve always thought the Sonic Adventure rail grinding was tedious. But still overall it looks like a fun adaptation of the 3D sonic gameplay albeit with a slightly dated-looking art style.

  • Civ Beyond Earth has the neat approach that it replaces the old “build a spaceship to alpha Centauri” with three different technological endings each with different moral implications. The game is about human transcendence so any ending is going to be about changing humanity.

    The problem is that the game itself is not one of the better entries in the Civ series otherwise.

  • What blockchain doesn’t have high transaction costs once it scales up to large usage? Fundamentally blockchains are about hyper-redundant indestructable storage with expensive costs for writing to that storage to prevent flooding it with garbage. The most mature and sophisticated blockchain that doesn’t involve burning down a forest to solve sudokus is the Ethereum network, which is probably the one to point to when we’re talking about a large blockchain, and that’s one that uses the subcurrency of “gas” to model paying for recording into that ledger.

    Are there any blockchains that could handle transaction volumes on the scale of a game-store like Gog or Epic (much less Steam) without putting non-trivial prices on writing the transactions to the ledger?