A frog who wants the objective truth about anything and everything.

Admin of SLRPNK.net

XMPP: prodigalfrog@slrpnk.net

Matrix: @prodigalfrog:matrix.org

  • 67 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • This is a summary from @Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world:


    • Patrick Breyer and Niklas Nienaß submitted questions to the European Commission on the topic of killing games (the latter in contact with Ross and two EU based lawyers).
    • EU won’t commit to answering whether games are goods or services.
    • EULA are probably unfair due to imbalance of rights and obligations between the parties.
    • Such terminations should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis (preferably by countries rather than EU).
    • Existing laws don’t seem to cover this issue.
    • Campaign in France seems to be gaining some traction. Case went to “the highest level where most commercial disputes submitted to DGCCRF never go”.
    • UK petition was suppose to get a revised response after the initial one was found lacking. Due to upcoming elections all petitions were closed and it might have to be resubmitted.
    • Also in UK, there’s a plan to report games killed in the last few years to the Competition and Markets Authority starting in August (CMA will get some additional power by then apparently).
    • No real news from Germany, Canada or Brazil.
    • Australian petition is over and waiting for a reply. Ross also hired a law firm to represent the issue.

    This is a simplified version of simplified version.

  • The article is pretty well laid out, IMO. It sets up the story with background information of who Ken Williams is, the history of the Police Quest series and the Sierra hacker/stoner culture, then goes into Daryl Gates and his background, and finally how Ken hobnobbed with him and pushed hard for him to be involved despite the resistance of the game devs. It then goes into how the game that Daryl advised on was deeply influenced by his racist views, which Ken had no trouble publishing, and even hoped would generate controversy for profit.

    It gives all the context needed for non-sierra fans and for people not familiar with Daryl Gates, and doesn’t really have any fluff or repeating points.

    Not sure what you mean by skewing the facts? Could you give an example?

  • Article’s kinda crap, really; the whole point is “a prick hired a prick to be involved in a prickish game.”

    Ken Williams has generally been pretty well regarded, especially by Sierra fans. He was even included in the old Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy, so I think it comes as somewhat surprising that he was so easily swayed by Rush Limbaugh back then, and shifted so far right wing to the point of purposefully working with a cop so heavily associated with systemic racism and the Rodney King beating.

    It certainly was news to me, as someone who grew up with those games.

  • Using the word “free” to refer to proprietary games in a GNU/Linux context is a huge indicator of a lack of awareness.

    If I’d intended to create a FOSS only list, I would’ve just said FOSS instead of free. I think it’s a little much to expect people to always qualify ‘Free as in beer’ anytime they ever use the word free in a monetary sense in a Linux community. The information needed to determine if a game is FOSS was provided next to each title, it’s not like you’ve been deceived. This was just a little list I put together in hopes to give people who are struggling financially (as many of us are these days) to have more options for fun games they can play with their friends or by themselves, I’m sorry it didn’t meet your standards. 🫤

    FYI, the page you linked to isn’t publicly accessible.

    I was able to add the list in the body of the lemmy post, the link is no longer required, but unfortunately it’s not federating my action of having removed the post link.

  • Back when I created this list, I had the mindset that if I did include a game with the a Free to Play monetary model, it would only be eligible if it was absolutely not Pay to Win, and if it was possible to have a lot of fun without and be on a fully equal playing field spending a dime.

    Looking over the list again, I think you’re right in that a couple titles (runescape, eledivin, and argueably EVE online) really don’t meet that criteria.

    However, I think others such as CS:GO, TF2, and War Thunder still deserve a spot on the list, as you’re still experiencing the full game with no disadvantage without spending anything.

    But I will remove those titles and put Free To Play in the description of the others.

  • Mind you, I’m 100% okay with using penultimate to mean second best,

    That was my intended use of the word, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I fully misread the little info blurb in my search engine, which led me to believe I was using it appropriately 😅

    I thought it said: a formal or literary way of saying it is not a superlative or beyond ultimate, as many people think.

    …I didn’t notice the period after ‘it’ (or the double ‘it’). But the sentence right after that one is really the pièce de résistance! 🤌

    But I very much appreciate your charitable view on my fumble.