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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • That’s pretty much it. Systemd goes against the philosophy of “do one thing, and do it well” by doing a whole lot of things and being integrated to an extent that makes it pretty much impossible to use only an arbitrary subset of its components while replacing the rest with alternatives. I understand where the critics are coming from, but I honestly don’t care either way.

  • I was actually agreeing with you and in no way do I think it’s ok because everyone does it. Rather, I’m very dismayed that everyone does it. Yes, it seems like a good idea on paper to use paid alpha and beta releases to fund development but the system has been shot to hell by the fact that the overwhelming majority of publishers who do this abuse it.

  • I prefer a single upfront purchase, though I am not against the idea of expansion packs or meaningful DLC (extra character races, maps, campaigns, etc). For online games, I think cosmetic DLCs are a good way to bank server costs. People who don’t want to buy them aren’t missing out on anything really, and the people who do get some nice swag/street cred to show off.

    What I am completely against is pay-to-win crap.

    In PvP, skilled players are at a disadvantage against prepubescent kids with daddy’s credit card and that really ruins the experience.

    The most ridiculous to me is when you can use real money to buy items/skills/exp for single-player games. I remember being shocked to see that there were several launch-day DLCs for Tales of Zestiria for packs of healing items or early weapons that are normally obtainable in-game, just to help you out in the beginning. There used to be cheat codes for this sort of thing, now the “cheat” is forking over cash.

    Not only is it predatory, people are actually paying for something the game already gives them access to, essentially giving the publisher money for being able to play, and then giving them more money for being able to play less.

  • Steam is riddled with Early Access games that were abandoned before ever reaching a final release. If you reach your financial goals before finishing the game, you’ll get a bigger payout by moving on to another project than by keeping your promises. Users are outraged at first, but their memories are short-lived. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    There are some notable exceptions, though. Kerbal Space Program comes to mind.

  • Aren’t we moving the goalposts here? You went from saying that people don’t do purely detrimental things to saying that they have reasons for doing purely detrimental things. I never said otherwise. Where do you think half that list came from? Personal experience.

    People do purely detrimental things all the time because we are stupid hairless monkeys. Smoking cancer sticks is a prime example.

  • Actually, people have been smoking pot and tobacco for millenia. Moses saw God in a burning bush, do you think that bush was lavender?

    But when your life expectancy is 50, odds are something else will get you before the cancer and lung failure do. Life expectancy now is over 80. That’s 30 extra years for all that tar in your lungs to bring you to your knees.

  • People don’t do things that are purely detrimental? How about…

    Suicide, drunk driving, yelling at your boss, antagonizing people who might be armed, commiting crimes in places where you should know there are cameras, intentionally posting racist shit on social media where potential employers will see it, eating unidentified mushrooms, smoking crack, smoking meth, snorting cocaine, shooting heroin, speedballing, k-holing in a public place, shacking up in a public restroom, defecating in a public pool, fake attempting suicide just to get attention, autoerotic asfixiation, watching a Fast & Furious movie, having unprotected sex with strangers, getting a tattoo of your current boyfriend or girlfriend"s name, signing up for a variable-rate loan, mixing Viagra and MDMA, paying for extra lives in mobile games, eating fast food, putting things inside your butthole that you’ll need a doctor to pull out later, trying to pet a dog that’s growling at you, trying to wax your own ass, having “just one more drink” on a Sunday night, impulse shopping, and trying to get some of that earwax out with a Q-tip even though you know that’s just going to push it further in and cause it to block your hearing on that side completely until you can get someone to squirt water into your earhole and flush out the earwax stopper you just made?