I do!
I’ll be back home in a couple of hours, and I’ll come back to this comment to edit :)
That girl who plays Steam Deck and writes about gaming + Linux a lot
I do!
I’ll be back home in a couple of hours, and I’ll come back to this comment to edit :)
Well this is just damned sweet of you!
Glad my rambling nonsense has helped! :)
There’s zero percent chance of this.
Sadly, of course, coz I’m the world’s #1 GOG fangirl, but…I mean Remedy asked every publisher if they wanted to be involved. None did.
Alan Wake 2 just would not have happened without Epic. They fronted the money: Epic is the reason it exists at all!
Okay! I installed:
…and a couple others. I just mitigated how sim-ish it is, I understand that’s how the game was designed, but I’d prefer to make my own kind of ‘easy mode’, and that’s what it boiled down to for me! :)
The original (and Erdtree) work perfectly fine when pirated. Theres obviously no online element, but with mods…its still technically doable
Glad you enjoy them!!!
Here are the links to the previous few news posts I wrote up:
The last ‘week’ (part 3) is here
The one before that (part 2), is here with this link
And the very first (part 1) - which is not formatted and rather rough!!!
(and thank you, SO much for saying so!)
You’re very kind!
This one is the mixiest of mixed bags of news-y things I found. Literally no theming this week!
Its far less than it used to be.
Check 1337 and you’ll see the quality of uploads is generally the exact same literal thing as you’d find on a streaming service, or disk.
I fucking loathe DRM. loathe it!
Oh thank you so much!
Its a lot of fun to me. This one (ironically) I feel like I did the bare minimum.
I’ve been nursing a sore shoulder all week which put my work (red team - penetration tester) and fun (gaming / any typing) into the category of ‘I’d better do as little of it as possible to rest the arm’
So…its really nice to hear that even this - where I stopped myself writing 19719161 words instead of 6 - is a nice read for some!
Thank you!
I think there is an option for DRM-free. It’s going to be a controversial take but…when companies pull this kinda thing? I’m more inclined to be a pirate girl than support this kind of process.
Simply untrue.
These are known, and you’d better believe Nintendo knows everything there is to know about each and every emulator that exists. They tried pressuring the team behind Cemu years ago, but it ended up being pointless.
Some of these are years and years and years old.
I’ll install, and report back on how it is! <3
The user discovered a bug, where anyone could apply games to their account, without buying or paying. He ended up notifying Steam (after he applied games to his account).
To them, like all bug hunt payments, the cost of what they gave him in the end ($4K) was nothing compared to the damage of that being shared - they get everlasting good press over it; good will, and they close the bug. So the $4,000 is alongside keeping the games he’d applied to his account.
Sorry, I could have worded that better! It’s on me for poor phrasing. English is not my native language, sometimes I can explain poorly.
I can do!
I’ve been doing so for the last one (this is, after all only my third!)…but I’ll link the past ones as I go from here on!
I do plan to!
I get impatient, because I adore writing these, but I plan to write these weekly :)
Thank you!
Hey, this is so sweet of you to say!
Nope, no selling here. Ironically I had a couple of legit job offers for this kind of thing when I was writing these on Reddit last year (before leaving it). So…in some odd alternate universe, I might have been doing just that selling!
For now, I’m very fediverse-addicted. No selling here. I’m glad you enjoyed the few things I found interesting myself! :)