Stupid reply
Stupid reply
No offense but you sound SO old lol. Tiktok isn’t just full of 12 year old’s and hasn’t been since, well, probably since covid started. With what a shit show standard search engines are these days I don’t blame them for searching what they know. There’s plenty of good info on tiktok that’s being presented by people that know their craft. The short format is nice too because it keeps them from telling their whole life story before they show me what I need to know.
The fact that you’re just basing your whole opinion here on an article kinda says it all really. I would have hoped my generation would outgrow this boomer bullshit but here we are.
Y’all are so worried about using things like Google pay but it’s going to become a standard whether you like it or not. It’s just another way to pay for shit and banks reimburse scammy bullshit just like they do if your card info gets stolen.
The magic circle can be a struggle. If you do check it out and this ends up as a point of frustration keep looking for more tutorials. I went through a few before someone did it in a way that made sense to me lol
I could bring all of my new hobbies that lasted about a month too! We could trade lol.
I don’t know why Nintendo won’t just give us a proper Paper Mario again. What is their problem? It’s so annoying. Bug Fables was fantastic though definitely hard agree.
I’ve never seen anyone else ever mention King’s Field 🥹
If any of the younger gens have a lack of understanding in tech then it’s on us. It’s on the older gens. We failed to guide them and push for the kind of education that they needed. Millennials, older millennials especially, were kind of privileged in this regard because we grew with the tech. We HAD to figure it out or just not interact with it. It’s not like we’re just built different or anything we just had different opportunities to learn. I don’t see how “watching a 30 second video by a 12 year old on tiktok” is realistically different from watching the video by a 12 year old typing in a notepad on YouTube that I used the first time I rooted a phone.
I swear every single generation makes things easier for the next and then immediately complains about “kids these days” and their lack of struggles