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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • Have you considered using the bookmarks tab (ctrl + b) and creating a series of folders to organize your work ?

    Here’s how i do it. I made several folders of topics with subfolders of sub topics for relevant websites for each topic. So for instance, you’d have cooking as a topic and then main dishes as a sub topic and desserts as another sub topic.

    When working on a project, I’d make the topmost folder for projects and within it Projectname. Whenever i want to work on that project, i click ctrl + B, right click on the sub project folder and then click on “open all tabs”. Voila, similar functions using the native commands.

    Once your project is done, create a folder and move it to the bottom, name it Archives and drop your old projects there.

    You can even have a R&R folder, where you put all the tabs you usually open when you’re just navigating for leisure. Or an Organization and Planning folder, where it opens all your email accounts and your calendar app of choice, as well as your organization software like Notion, or Jira or so if you use it to have a workspace to organize stuff before getting to work, so you can best address your emails with either calendar blocking or just scheduling and writing notes.

    I also suggest backing up all your favorites regularly through export into your hard drive and later into an offline drive. That way, if your pc breaks, you can just keep going on a new pc. Or you can use firefox account and sync it.

    Feel free to create workspace folders as you see fit for your organization workflow.

    I also have a shopping folder where i add things I’m thinking of buying so i don’t fall into the trap of impulse buying. Or things i might need to buy if something is about to fail, like an old phone or boiler or just clothes i like.

  • It might sound like a pretty obvious thing, but have you tried changing the tools into the “Tabbed ribbon” that office uses instead of the classic old 90s organization scheme in options ?

    I have come to notice that when people who don’t really work with computers very well, in particular boomers, say that they can’t stand LibreOffice, they mean they don’t like the layout of the tools, because they can’t find anything they need. I suppose they just got used to where everything is with modern office.

    Just change it and see if she will like it better. Usually solves it for the boomers i help. Nothing is holding LibreOffice back more than their default layout scheme. They really don’t know their target audience’s pain points AT ALL. Just goes to show why you need to study your users using the product without being explained anything.

    I don’t get why their default is a layout that has been outdated for 24 years. Nostalgia or what? Only really old people who used computers in the 90s a lot will intuitively find it useful.

  • Mullvad has written a post about it Here.


    The desktop versions (Windows, macOS and Linux) of Mullvad’s VPN app have firewall rules in place to block any traffic to public IPs outside the VPN tunnel. These effectively prevent both LocalNet and TunnelVision from allowing the attacker to get hold of plaintext traffic from the victim.

    Android is not vulnerable to TunnelVision simply because it does not implement DHCP option 121, as explained in the original article about TunnelVision.

    iOS is unfortunately vulnerable to TunnelVision, for the same reason it is vulnerable to LocalNet, as we outlined in our blog post about TunnelCrack. The fix for TunnelVision is probably the same as for LocalNet, but we have not yet been able to integrate and ship that to production.

    I gotta say, i am really impressed with Mullvad. They’re not just a VPN seller. They write security compromise bulletins regularly and as soon as vulnerabilities show up and they actively lobby at the EU organs for more privacy laws. They really work and live their identity in every way.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldEmail admin
    4 months ago

    The survey fatigue is real. Everyone keeps begging for reviews nowadays. Even random things like public parking.

    I grow resentment at any business begging for reviews. Hire a consultant and third party to auction your service, I’m not doing it for free anymore. Specially because they don’t even read the comments you write or reply. It’s just nonsense an intern will put into an end of quarter ppt for some average mediocre manager.

  • From what i read about it, Apple has a walled garden but charges a flat fee for everyone and has no special deals. Everyone pays the same and they make a little money off of the store but also the hardware sold.

    Whereas Google has been caught treating certain parties differently, such as Spotify, something called Project Hug, where they gave extra benefits to parties at risk of leaving the play store, among other unequal dealings.

    So the crux of the question is not about the monopoly itself, but the fact that Google is treating market players differently and throwing its weight around to influence the market to its advantage.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRefute this
    8 months ago

    A dude got caught making bomb threats at Harvard because he was the only one in his university that connected to TOR and they knew from the entry node it had to be from that area. They checked the logs and only one PC had directly connected to the TOR network from that area at that time. The guy wanted more time to study.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRefute this
    8 months ago

    And a separate flash with your password database, PGP keyring and an encrypted files vault. If you need to go or to destroy/hide evidence, a flash drive is much easier, specially when the task force going after you is more worried about hard drives and laptops and usually gloss over flash drives at least initially.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRefute this
    8 months ago

    Depends on what you wanna do with TOR. If you wanna be anonymous in your regular internet browsing and torrents, go with a good quality paid for VPN with no logs, like mullvad or proton. You don’t need TOR at all. You’re not worth the hassle.

    If you’re trying to commit chill crimes like ordering drugs online, then you should probably look up the DNM bible. Just TOR and maybe a bridge is enough probably, if people where you live in don’t use TOR. LEO can’t see your traffic but if you’re the only one using TOR in your neighborhood, it’s pretty easy to pin you.

    If you’re a journalist and you’re about to piss off a powerful government, you probably need a bridge and TOR and a laptop with no hard drive. You will probably need some self hosted machines to obfuscate your traffic which you will need to recycle really often. You shouldn’t use a phone. You also need a lot of money and a lot of help, specially in countries that are against the country you’re pissing off. Opsec becomes a full time job, depending on how many friends you have.

    If you’re trying to run a drug empire or distribute CSAM, getting caught is merely a question of when no matter what you use, because even politically divergent countries and organizations will unite to put you in jail, even if they’re normally on the crime side of things. Nobody likes CSAM distributors and drug empires usually don’t make a lot of friends and make way too much money to keep the ones they do.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlRefute this
    8 months ago

    This horse has been beaten to death. There are literal computer science papers debating this specific issue. More than one even. Refuting you here is just a waste of time. Go read those much more comprehensive papers than anything that could be written here. Just use your search engine of choice and type Anonymity, TOR and VPN and watch as a world of refuting unfolds in front of your eyes. Academic, scientific, peer reviewed, quality refuting.

    At the end of the day you use whatever you feel like using. It’s your machine, possibly your freedom at stake. Go ahead, use whatever you please.