• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • That’s not quite how this works tho. Microsoft doesn’t make games. Sony doesn’t make games. The only exception is Nintendo but even they outsource a ton of devopment to studios like 1-up studios, monolith soft, retro studios etc. These companies just make a console that plays games and then they try to buy rights to good games or studios so they can make their games exclusive to that console to bolster sales. Sure, sony and microsoft could pour tons and tons and tons of money into creating their own studios i guess that make their own branded games but they have decided to focus on hardware sales instead. This is especially true for microsoft where the xbox is just a small part of the business where the PC market is their focus.

    From a business standpoint, it makes 10000% more sense to just try and acquire other businesses that do the work under you and you just publish their games. Which is why nintendo, sony, and microsoft all try to do it so much. I mean Sony alone has bought 14 development studios since last year.

  • This whole thing has confused the ever loving balls out of me. Xbox and Microsoft having been getting MURDERED over the last few years and ridiculed by pretty much everyone for one reason and one reason only, they have no games. Why get an Xbox? PlayStation and Nintendo have all the good exclusives. Xbox has nothing.

    Now, Microsoft goes out and buys up some IP’s and studios that have games they can make exclusive if they want (even tho they’ve said over and over they won’t for the ones that currently aren’t console exclusives but we’ll see on that one). So, for the first time in pretty much forever they’ll have the opportunity for console exclusives other than Halo and now everyone is complaining that they’ll make the games console exclusives. It’s like the biggest damned if you do, damned if you don’t for them lol.

    “Fuck Xbox they don’t have any good exclusives.”

    Microsoft goes out and gets good exclusives

    “Fuck Xbox they’re making the good games exclusive.”

  • Behold and bask in the glory of working from home! Here, all your free time can actually be spent free! No more alt-tabbing to a random Excel spread sheet or dumbass email everytime the floor boards outside your crap ass cubicle squeak. No more desperately searching for mildly enjoyable activities that are only slightly conspicuous when viewed from over your shoulder. Revel in a world where if you bust ass and finish what you need to you are actually rewarded with the free time to cuddle your dog, take a nap, binge stardew valley, or just do absolutely nothing.

    The fact that it is for this exact reason working from home is hated by old farts is so unbelievably frustrating it’s difficult to put in words. I know they like to word it differently like “lack of productivity” or “lowered team dynamic” (which have both since been repeatedly disproven by what little research we have) or some crap but we all know they just can’t stand not knowing exactly what we’re doing at all times. It honestly feels like they’re just irritated that workers are genuinely happy for once.

  • One thing I don’t see mentioned here at all is the financial burden incurred by caring for a family member with serious problems like this. Obviously this is very dependent on the country in which you live but at least in the United States it is very possible to be buried in debt for caring for someone else. Personally, I will be trying to pay off medical bills from taking care of a family member in their final days probably for the rest of my life barring a miracle.

    I’d rather not potentially saddle my children with the same if I can avoid it.

  • This is the main reason I have not had children. I am almost 100% guaranteed to get Alzheimer’s in the pretty near future. Having watched countless of my family members go through the absolutely heart wrenching process of Alzheimer’s progression, I can’t in good conscience have children (so far anyway, I’m not 100% on it) for two reasons:

    • I don’t want to put them through the grueling process of caring for, and dealing with someone dying from Alzheimer’s

    • While it’s not guaranteed obviously, I don’t want to doom a child to a very very good chance of getting Alzheimer’s at some point in their lives.

    There is of course a chance for a treatment to be developed but they’ve been saying that for decades and haven’t really come up with much of anything so far.