Modern civil war happens when a domestic terrorist group starts to act agains the government.
For a full on civil war the army would habe to break apart in factions too, and I don’t thinl that’s probable in the us
Humans. The only thing I’m scared of in this life are other humans.
bowie pretending to be gay so hard to get along with his pals
Yes, if you can’t help them have more time for hobbies give them stuff for their hobbies. Some hobbies can be expensive if they are really
Jesus vs The Rock, let’s make that happend WWE!
A bambu lab X1E printer. haha I’m a poor nerd
I would rob some things I want. Not the money, only the the stuff hahahahaha
My always to remember that this is not yours to loose, its just an interview like a 1000 others you’ll have. If you don’t get it you didn’t, try again tomorrow. When I think like that I’m usualy more relax and don’t over talk.
The look back “and don’t you fucking close it again muriel”
oh man sorry i forgot about this (not american) but maybe do a donation page? Having pain, in the head nonthe less, is fucking horrible no one deserves it
Dude, meds. Just rejoice in all the medication possible. It wont last long, hang in there
and so it begins
Murder someone else, plant the weapon on him ans call the police with a tip! lol
or just go to the police before anyone dies
Having cats I would bet he peed in the library
When I say honor, what I mean is the idea of every individual being called to answer to everyone else.
It was not my will to be alive, but I was brought here anyway
It was never my will to keep living, but I still have to “because reasons”
The fact that I am alive right now is already enough. I don’t owe any fuckers anything. You owe me. I answer to myself.
I don’t need honor to not rape or kill because I’m not a pscyco, but my life is my own and if you don’t like Boo-fucking- hoo
Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m the Ugly girl!! I also have no chance and ususally guys say “just die” on the internet. It’s not a man problem or a women biases, its a ugly ppl vs pretty people problem
I was going to say it really depends on who is saying it. A creepy old friend of your uncle’s? Please No. A cute guy you are also interested in? Yes please.
If you are not sure just say nothing. Silence is always a great option
Is everyone getting the same candy or do you have “kid” candy and “adult kid” candy? Asking for a friend.