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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • As respectfully as I can say this, so what? I don’t care about it trying to be a mass appeal GOTY art piece that pushes boundaries. I want an AC game with the stupid silly robots blowing shit up. Anything that tales me out building said robots or blowing said shit up is a negative for me. If anything having more bloat with cutscenes and dialogue and exposition detracts from the experience.

  • I get some of your criticisms for the game and agree with a lot of them. But I don’t see a narrow more action focused character and mechanics as a bad thing, FFXVI is basically a Japanese Witcher 3. Now you may dislike that in favor of more blank slate character development and that’s fine. What I do find a major problem in 16 is that the combat system is complete overkill for the standard difficulty as the enemy AI is extremely passive outside of the big fights. So the game doesn’t force you to really make hard choices in terms of loadout and moment to moment gameplay a la DMC5.

    Also, the side quests really suck mechanically and slow down the narrative way too much.