On the internet, nobody knows you are Australian.

also https://lemm.ee/u/MargotRobbie

To tell you the truth, I don’t know who I am either. Somebody sincere, perhaps.

But if you ever read this one day, I hope that you are as proud of me, as I am of the person I imagined you to be.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I hope Bioware go back to their roots and take more inspiration from DA:O and BG3 instead of DA:I and go back to more tactical and less action-y gameplay. The overwhelming success of Baldur’s Gate 3 proves there is a market for traditional CRPG, especially coming from the the studio that made the first two Baldur’s Gate.

    Also, less Ubisoft/Skyrim-esquelarge empty open world and more carefully crafted maps with emphasis on choices. DA:I wasn’t a bad game, but if Bioware releases another DA:I in 2024 it will definitely be compared unfavorably to Bg3.

  • Celebrity endorsement has never been a factor in how well a videogame does either way, regardless of level of star power or degree of involvement for the celebrity: Keanu Reeves playing a heavy hand (heh) in the story of Cyberpunk 2077 did little to stop the game’s initial bad press, and the main reason Baldur’s Gate 3 did well isn’t because JK Simmons is playing Kethric Thorm. (still, he had a great performance). Gameplay matters a lot more for a videogame.

    It’s unsurprising then, that Oscar winning actor Will Smith’s involvement in a game in the oversaturated genre of zombie survival shooters did not become successful.

    Plus, I don’t think paying celebrities to promote videos on their YouTube channel is an effective marketing strategy, mainly because nobody really watches any celebrities’ own YouTube channel, with the exception of Jack Black’s gaming channel, of course.

  • Arranging dishes in the dishwasher neatly is only for when there are a lot of dishes that wouldn’t fit otherwise. If there are only a couple of dishes, then it’s whatever, as long as they get clean, it doesn’t matter.

    I would encourage you to be more considerate: your daughter is an adult, with her own thoughts and feelings, and her own family. If I were her, I would certainly not appreciate if one of my parent tried to shame me in front of strangers on the Internet over how I load my dishes and threatening to disown me for it, even “as a joke”.

  • Having a frontend rewrite seemed more critical than trying reimplementing the backend in a different language.

    Remember, Lemmy had 4 years of development to iron out bugs, and this is essentially promising to make something in months that has a fully compatible backend to support all the third party apps, while adding features on top of what Lemmy has, and with a better front end with better mod tools to boot, with a complete rewrite of everything.

    The scope of this project has planned for is already unviable. Suppose that Sublinks does reach feature parity to the current version of Lemmy, congratulations, the backend or mod tools is not something a regular user is going to notice or care about at all, all they will know is that suddenly, there are weird bugs that wasn’t there before, and that causes frustration.

    And this project is going to get more developer traction because… Java?

    I’d like to be proven wrong, but I’m very sceptical about the success of Sublinks, because it look like a project that was started out of tech arrogance to prove a point than out of a real need, I don’t work in tech, but the general trajectory of these kind of projects is that “enthusiasm from frustration” can only take you so far before the annoyance of dealing with mundane problems piles up, and the project fizzles out and ends with a whimper.

  • As funny as the thought of Stallman becoming a billionaire is, ultimately, like all celebrities, these people are strangers to the overwhelming majority of you. Parasocial relationships are never healthy, and the result of being put on a pedastal is that they became idols and symbols and ceases being people.

    And I don’t think that’s what they would have wanted.

    After all, the only good billionaire is a Barbi-onaire.

  • Doesn’t it feel weird that people feel guilty when being mean to you only because you are famous?

    No, because there are plenty more people in life who won’t feel guilty about being mean to you at all. It’s more stressful in the days knowing a Twitter mob is ready to “slam” you for every little thing you say or do in life 24/7.

    Besides, it’s not like anything I say here can be tied back to me anyways. Why do you think I refuse to get verified?

    You probably also have more anominous accounts

    Ugh… That Letterboxd account…

  • Margot Robbie@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldCurrent state of Reddit
    7 months ago

    On another topic, what kind of complete nonsense is that comment section?

    It reads like if my phone’s autocomplete decided to go haywire one day and start spitting out random associated phrases: “Pablo Escobar… Colombian Drug Lord… District of Columbia…hungry hungry hippo…”

    I don’t even know which is worse, that these are all bots, or there are actually multiple people who thinks posting these in public is a good idea.

  • So why do people buy 3000 dollar mechanical watches when a 20 quartz dollar watch can keep time better? Why do people buy 300 dollar mechanical keyboards when a 20 dollar rubber dome can also get words on your PC screen? Why do people spend thousands of dollars on Magic the Gathering cards when you can buy the same number of cards for 20 dollars?

    Being into designer fashion isn’t much different than other expensive hobbies, and the cost benefit of a hobby item is the last thing on the mind of any enthusiast provided they can afford it.