The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • For the most part: Important everyday bookmarks go to the bookmark-toolbar directly, everything else goes to few top-level directories in bookmark toobar: games, software, hardware, wishlist, media, work

    the directories are then further sectioned into subfolders, eg games->gamename and so forth.

    Sometimes I do wish the directories would just automatically alphabetize themselves, but oh well.

  • yep, I’m aware. I just haven’t observed* any compilation stutters - so in that sense I’d rather keep it off and save the few minutes (give or take) on launch

    *Now, I’m sure the stutters are there and/or the games I’ve recently played on linux haven’t been susceptible to them, but the tradeoff is worth it for me either way.

  • well, I do have this one game I’ve tried to play, Enshrouded, it does do the shader compilation on it’s own, in-game. The compiled shaders seem to persist between launches, reboots, etc, but not driver/game updates. So it stands to reason they are cached somewhere. As for where, not a clue.

    And since if it’s the game doing the compilation, I would assume non-steam games can do it too. Why wouldn’t they?

    But, ultimately, I don’t know - just saying these are my observations and assumptions based on those. :P