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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Formatted, so I can read it

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: 
     Cannot invoke "String.toLowerCase()" because the return value of 
    "com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException$PersonalDetails.getEmailAddress()" is null
     at com.baeldung.java14.npe.HelpfulNullPointerException.main(HelpfulNullPointerException.java:10)

  • I’m thankful I am full stack and can do my stuff across borders. I hate the interfaces, waiting for stuff, or being hindered by dissatisfactory (to me anyway) stuff from them. So I’m glad when I have control over the entire stack - from talking to the customer to running production.

    Anything I don’t have control over - most if it doesn’t get done, the rest can be okay or bothersome.

    I hate that I don’t see what the admin set up and does on the infrastructure. It makes it harder to assess issues and potential issues and how they could correlate with infrastructure changes and activities…

  • Jira Server is the on-premise Jira, right?

    We had to change to Jira Cloud. (Vendor lock-in, mainly because of time-tracking appendix tools of that.) It’s horrendeous. UI and UX is horrendeous. The DOM is horrendeous. Performance is horrendeous.

    My CSS Hacks to fix the UI to a degree I can reasonably work with it are a lot more work now with the generated DOM class and ids. Sometimes they at least have test IDs which can be used.

    Some things, like the board component quick filter, are not even available anymore.

    The interactivity functionality is irritating and annoying most of the time.

    The browser extension we use further fucking up doesn’t help either of course.

    Don’t even get me started on Confluence. Which can’t even find pages when I type the exact page title, or ranks them low. And editing tables is a hassle beyond belief now that responsive tables (self-sizing) are gone. It’s wasteful on space too of course, with huge spacing.