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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024


  • I had the same problem with enshrouded, including desktop sluggishness. I “fixed” it by fiddling with detail settings until I found one thing that had a significant performance impact. I want to say it was something to do with shadows? I’ll try to remember to look when I’m at my desk. Hopefully someone has a better answer/suggestion, but something to try.

    Also, did vulkan shaders run and complete? Mine don’t on Enshrouded, get stuck at 99%. I know that can have a performance impact.

  • It doesn’t copy data, no. Symlink is short for symbolic link. So it’s a pointer to another location. But it might be useful for you. Taking a guess at your goal, here’s a relevant example.

    Say you moved all of your emulation stuff stored under /media/largehdd/retroarch. You could then symlink that directory to ~/.config/retroarch like so:

    ln -s /media/largehdd/retroarch ~/.config/retroarch

    That data is still stored on the large drive but will now also show under that symlinked directory.

  • This doesn’t fit the question exactly but I feel it’s in the same spirit, and a kind of interesting solution, I think.

    Back in the early days of scryptcoin mining, I had a few gpu mining rigs running Linux. Occasionally they would hard lock and I’d have to power cycle them.

    What I ended up doing is getting some usb to serial adapters, wrote a python script that ran on startup and would send a character over serial at a set interval in a loop. That was hooked up, if I recall correctly, to an attiny85 using softwareserial and some ttl to rs232 conversion. It would listen over serial and if it didn’t receive anything with a reasonable time frame it’d flip a relay that cut mains power to the pc, then flipped it back. A deadman’s switch, of a sort. It worked great!

  • I wouldn’t call ChromeOS Linux anymore than I would call MacOS FreeBSD (oversimplified comparison, but it works for my point).

    It may be based on a Linux kernel but it contains closed source code that’s needed for essential functionality, and we don’t get to choose hardware independently of the OS, nor a different OS for the hardware.

    It’s an ecosystem that’s hostile to user rights and in my opinion doesn’t fit the spirit of what Linux is.

    Edit: I suppose that’s a bit gatekeeperish? But I don’t think Linux adoption should be achieved at the cost of user freedom and choice. It loses what makes it special at that point.

  • Yeah, I see a fair amount of gatekeeping and condescension in Linux communities. I also see a lot of people who truly want to be helpful, but that aspect is there.

    I’ve seen Linux compared to car ownership a number of times, and I think that’s an apt comparison. I have the knowledge to use and perform basic maintenance on a car, and I have no interest in learning more. It’s a tool made for a purpose. Some people love to tinker with cars, and I can understand that. I love Linux and enjoy tinkering with it, but it generally won’t “just work” for most users. Yes, if you’re setting it up for your grandparents and they just need a web browser or something like that it’s probably fine but most users that aren’t Linux savvy are going to run into issues.

    Linux is becoming ever more usable, and I think usage will continue to increase alongside that, but I don’t see it ever becoming a major personal desktop platform. Wouldn’t mind being wrong, but Linux will be fine, regardless.

    That was more ranty than I had expected!

  • MiSTer is a great option for high accuracy and zero/low latancy emulation. And besides being able to use original controllers you can also drive an analog display with an analog IO board, if that’s desirable to you.

    If you want real hardware, this isn’t it. And I can understand wanting the real hardware. But for a nearly perfect recreation of the experience without the headaches of maintaining aging hardware, MiSTer does the job.

    Analog Pocket looks cool too. But wanted to nerd out on the MiSTer specifically.