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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’ll be paying and having no second thoughts about it.

    I know you all LOVE to scream “shiver me timbers” at the drop of a hat but for me it’s just to much hassle. At the end of a long day at work I don’t want to have to figure out if my torrents are properly managed or use potentially questionable websites.

    What I want to do is come home, press the microphone button on my shield remote, tell it what I want to watch and let it go. No hassle, no fuss, I don’t care about anything so incredibly much that if it suddenly wasn’t available then I NEED to have it at any cost. To me that kind of “have to have it right now and at all times forever and ever” mentality is just as bad as the rampant blind consumerism that the majority of humanity seems to embrace. If I want something that bad I’ll find a way to purchase it physically.

  • I’m in full agreement here. I will always try to support the things I follow the most but probably my favorite thing about current media is finding a random person who does something incredibly niche and watching/listening a vid/song or two of theirs. I’ll come every couple of months or so but I’m not consuming their content regularly. Tutorials as you mentioned are a great example of this.

    I did the math a year or two that if I paid a single dollar to every YouTuber I watch and musician I listen to on Spotify I would be paying around $400 a month. In an idyllic world I would have a stable job with enough expendable income to make that happen. In this reality I don’t see that as a possibility.

  • I had just sold a car and was flush with cash so before going to buy my new one I bought every single pillow I could find in every home goods store near me and several from online. I then spent the next month studiously comparing pillows to find the right one for me.

    The final two came down to a $15 pillow and a $190 pillow.

    After deciding all the other pillows got returned and then went and got my new car.

    In things as subjective as a pillow high quality is rather Nebulous.

    For something like a woodworking tool high quality often matters far more.

    The worst life pro tip I’ve ever received? Listen to the experts, they have made it their job to know the best things and you can’t go wrong with what they say.

  • It feels like goalpost moving has become a national past time for most places.

    The thing I currently struggle with, but haven’t found an answer to, is deciding where the balance lies between affordable services and content creators earning an appropriate living.

    I absolutely love Spotify. My current job has me listening to music for nearly 11 hours a day not including what gets played at home. Leaving aside the issue of discoverability, if I had to buy all the different albums I listen to from all the different artists I listen to my music budget would be a significant percentage of my yearly income.

    I am keenly aware that Spotify does not pay the musicians well. The current compromise that I have is I buy albums or merch from the artists that I listen to the most or up and comings I want to support. Not perfect but it works right now.

  • No, but not being able to have a reasonable discussion with another person without them resorting to nonsense arguments of no merit or personal attacks does bother me.

    I have made the personal choice that YouTube premium is a valuable service to me and that I would rather pay for it than go through the rigmarole of PiHole/ad blockers/ripping.

    Apparently that makes me a sheep, retard, loser, bitch to corporations, boot licker, dick, uneducated, fuckwad. Just to name a few.

    I believe downloading a digital copy of your property is 100% your right. ONLY after you have paid full price for it in a legal manner and if at all possible in physical media.

    Apparently that means I’m a slave to the media, a Republican(?), don’t believe in personal rights, and am advocating for a return to absolute monarchy’s.

    I believe that it is better to pay for services (even if they are created by mega corporations) and give money directly to the content creators whenever possible. Disney/Marvel, for instance, is massive and has many issues. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t create things that never existed before and deserve to be paid.

    Apparently I’m no better than a terrorist against human rights, have no decency, must have had brain damage, and am begging to be ass raped by the elite just to be told I’m a good little consumer.

    I believe that the definition of a hypocrite is somebody spouting their beliefs that all ads are evil, mega - corporations deserve to die, and that no content service deserves their money and then also screaming about work reform, and not getting paid a fair living wage, all jobs matter, etc.

    Apparently this makes me a proponent for being a wage slave, a blinded consumerist, a white collar elitist who was raised to keep the people down, and a politician dick/cunt sucker, and a worshiper of alphabet, apple, Facebook, twitter and the like.

    I loathe what reddit became but the general level of discourse was far more reasonable and measured then what I have experienced here on Lemmy. It’s actually frustrating. What happened to being able to disagree with someone and talk about it in measured responses and open discourse?