• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Playing bits and pieces of a lot of stuff and nothing’s really sticking. It’s frustrating, haha.

    Replaying Control because I never got around to the DLC back in the day, and I want to play it before Alan Wake 2 comes out. This is my main game right now, but I’m just slowly picking away at it.

    Diablo IV - omnipresent side-game for me. It’s grindy, and repetitive, and the end game and itemization need work, but I enjoy the combat so it’s been a good podcast game.

    Dave the Diver - Great game, but where I’m at currently it’s become more mission-focused than I’d prefer. Still liking it, but my progress has slowed quite a bit.

    The Rift Breaker - Picked this up in the Steam sale. It’s fun, if a little confusing sometimes. The UI could use some work.

    Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Despite the terrible name, this one’s actually pretty fun. I’ve played an absolute ton of these things and some are more interesting than others… being able to add 2 members to your squad, as well as some of the abilities and stuff, make this one stand apart a bit. At least for a couple hours of mindless fun.

    Voidigo, Revita, Crab Champions, Dropsy, and Going Under (among others, honestly) are some more that are rotating in and out as I try to find something that I’ll stick with for a bit, but nothing’s scratching the itch so far.

  • Yeah, I do. There’s just more content there. More articles. More questions. More discussion. Not all of it is good, but a lot of what I use reddit for is taking the temperature on things… games, movies, books, general opinions on news articles, etc. I like Lemmy, but it doesn’t have the userbase to make this my only “front page of the internet” for now.

  • I liked it, but I think it’s pretty flawed. The characters really worked for me and were the biggest drive for continuing on. I liked most of the story too, but it does get pretty rote near the end. Gameplay-wise, I thought it was pretty boring. The combat is mashy, standard fights are usually over in seconds and boss fights become a slog of whittling down overly large HP bars.

  • Killing off third party apps was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I still browse Reddit, not gonna lie, but I don’t contribute anymore. And my mobile browsing will likely stop entirely once Apollo stops working tomorrow. I’m using Lemmy as a substitute, but also using this whole thing as a general opportunity to use social media less… less time mindlessly browsing reddit, more time doing things I actually enjoy.