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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • the corps that run the services outsource the job of sending out notices, the companies they pay to do it will flag anything and everything that even hints at piracy. they just have to justify their paycheck.

    im just speculating but it would make sense to me if a lot of these piracy troll agencies get paid based on how many notices get complied with and a lot of places are just going to comply without any pushback, even if there is pushback for false flags its not like there are legal consequences for wrong ones so they just flag everything they find and see what sticks.

  • On Linux most distros do not actually ship chrome but chromium which is the open source version of chrome.

    It also comes down to how different groups define FOSS. GNU considers even helper programs (like a package manager or firmware installer) to be “bad” for the user because they “encourage” its use so they dont want them included in GNU approved distros like trisqul or guix . this leads to those “freedom respecting” distros not having things like basic WiFi drivers or support for any 3rd party drivers.

    To a less extreme degree but similar is a distro like debian, where there is a “non_free” repository available but users can choose not to enable it.

    And so GNU sees having the playstore as a bad thing because its gateway to installing other non free software. Its also safe to assume most gnu evangelists probably don’t care much for chromium either.