Mad that FPGA looks pretty cheap to toy around with thanks for letting me know!
I dream of making a SBC that has an FPGA and modular cable system to emulate as many device interfaces as possible
Mad that FPGA looks pretty cheap to toy around with thanks for letting me know!
I dream of making a SBC that has an FPGA and modular cable system to emulate as many device interfaces as possible
Absolutely loved that novel (novella?). The descriptive language really captures a lot of the theme, from the shipyard chained together into a shanty town to the description of Sols oven being modified to different energy sources as societies resources dwindled
Would absolutely recommend it, especially if you enjoyed soylent green
My common solution to boot issues that lock me out is,
Get a USB Live distro (always good to have a backup lying around)
Boot into live distro
Chroot into the broken distro (Arch wiki has an article on this)
Fix any bugs that I can find and/or reinstall the bootloader
Test, repeat until the problem has been found and fixed
Hope it helps any newcomers!
Shit you’ve got my vote, I was trying to think of the most influential game in a positive light but this is actually it and it’s depressing that it is.
Hopefully it wins its deserved title, it would make a loud statement that we’re aware of the scummy business practices that have subverted the gaming industry since corpo-ghouls realised it was profitable.
What the actual fuck, Kavin.