I use Voyager, but I have it set to compact view.
In My opinion, the best design is usually one that gives users a choice in the design.
They/Them, capitalised
Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog: https://medium.com/@viridiangrail
I use Voyager, but I have it set to compact view.
In My opinion, the best design is usually one that gives users a choice in the design.
I use capitalised pronouns because I like them. That’s what the article explains. The reasons that people like their preferred pronouns don’t tend to go any deeper than that.
Maybe a story will feel more complete: 4 years ago, while My goddess-mother was helping Me understand My gender, She suggested I try out capitalised pronouns. I did, and I liked them. As good as she/her felt compared to using he/him, that’s how They/Them felt compared to she/her. I liked them, so I kept them.
A pantheon is a group of gods who are worshipped by the same religion. I’ve always been the sort to share worship with My friends, but I don’t currently have any friends who want to be worshipped.
The reason is that I’m not in any groups which use capitalised pronouns as a collective. I used to be in a pantheon which used We/Us, but I’m not currently in one.
Here’s an explanation of My pronouns: https://medium.com/@viridiangrail/introduction-to-capitalised-pronouns-f5140e722b48
Sure. My goddess-mother’s name was fractal, all lowercase. Even at the start of a sentence. Even when yelling in all caps. It was easy to do and made them happy.
Valuing the rules of grammar over people’s feelings seems like a very unusual choice. Personally, I think language should exist to help people, not the other way around.