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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • First party software. I buy Nintendo consoles for their ip, not their power. My desktop is where I do most of my gaming, but I have an attachment to Zelda games that I don’t think will ever go away. I still have my official prima guide for links awakening dx. I have a map on the wall of twilight princess’s over world.

    I don’t even like the switch for portability because it feels bulky and uncomfortable. But connected to the dock, I can forget that it’s supposed to be portable and enjoy my Zelda games. My wife also likes animal crossing, and I got her to play her first Zelda and Pokémon games in the last year, and those were games that shaped my childhood.

    So I guess my answer is shared experiences and nostalgia.

  • I love talking to my mother. I talk to her almost every day. She’s the best. I don’t like spending my time sitting there going over pictures to free up space on her phone because she couldn’t take pictures at my nephews basketball game because her phone is full. If I can pay a little bit of money to save mine and her time, would that not be better for both of us? I get my time, she doesn’t miss out on pictures. What I’m saying is if I can afford something to make my life easier, that doesn’t make me stupid.

    Also you will notice that in my first comment I said “ I value the ease of use for my mother more than the cost of a subscription”. I don’t see how that implies I don’t like talking to my mother, but I’m sorry you interpreted it that way. I think the snark was unnecessary, but that’s okay. I also see that you didn’t address my actual point. Did you have something relevant to add to the discussion, or is your purpose to insult people?

  • Why do people resort to insults when other people prioritize things differently? This always baffles me, and I’ve been seeing it a lot on Lemmy lately.

    I don’t have a NAS. I don’t want a NAS. I have no need for a NAS. I have iCloud purely for my mother, and my time is way more valuable than the cost of iCloud. I also don’t want to deal with troubleshooting if something goes wrong. I fight enough fires at work when a release goes sour.

    I’m not stupid because I value my time more than the cost of a subscription. I value the ease of use for my mother more than the cost of a subscription. I understand your values don’t align with mine. That’s okay! You’re not stupid for that. And I’m not stupid for my choices.

    Try to see the human and realize that we all have individual lives, goals, and priorities. Insulting people for being different than you is something we should be moving away from, not continuing.

  • I have Apple one. I will not be cancelling. I consider it an amazing value. I don’t need the iCloud but my mother takes way too many pictures of the kids. She gets value out of that. We all get Apple TV. I use Apple Music every day I’m at work.

    Why do you get to choose what is fair value and I don’t? If the consumer gets to choose, than that means the average of all potential (because there is a large subset of consumers who will never use Apple products) customers’ willingness to pay the price must be taken into account.

    I understand that it’s not a fair value to you. But it certainly is to me. Even just the hour a month I save not walking through with my mother determining which pictures to delete is worth it alone. In addition to time, I get services I use and value. I consider it a deal tbh.

  • Phishing is a huge problem. Over 80% of companies experience phishing attacks yearly. 40% of all US data breaches are a direct result of phishing. This means the data you have provided these companies (sometimes whether you want to or not). Almost every healthcare provider has been phished in the last 3 years. That’s a lot of important data on me.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about with giving up my data. Passkeys don’t give up any day. Passwords are easily guessed and stolen. It’s even easier since the requirements on websites make it easier to predict. I do care about technologically uninformed people. They work at the companies that have my data. And also I care about people in general. Because we are all people and should not be so hateful of each other.

    Again, it’s not trusted partners. There is a private and public key. You are the only one with the private key unless you choose to give it away. Hey that’s the same as passwords! You remember every single complex password for every single website and login?

    And there’s no need for the snark and insulting implications. Do you work in the industry out of curiosity? Idk why you’re acting like I’m some ignorant and uninformed person.

  • I’d like to know where you came to the conclusion that something you know is better than something you have. Passkeys are way less likely to be phished, nearly impossible. The only thing stored externally is a public key. Those are useless without the private key on your device. FIDO2 is an open standard (like html and SQL) and there are open source servers.

    If a website has a data breach, they can’t log into your account because they don’t have your private key. Security professionals recommend a combination of something you know, something you have, and something you are.

    Passkeys are not stored on some third party website, they are physically in your possession. Passkeys do not need to be biometric. I have a physical usb passkey. Apple already has your face or fingerprint if you use biometric login anyway if you’re worried about using a phone as a passkey. I’m not sure where the claim that they are singularly protected by large corporations.

    Passwords are also inherently insecure by nature. In so many ways. That’s why MFA exists in the first place.

  • When I was younger my parents got a new pc. It had a stupid Game Center trying to sell you games. Being a bored teenager who enjoyed games, I looked through it. I found a game called Dark Orbit. It was the only game I was ever in a clan/guild. I bounced around a few guilds, but I was always friends with the big guilds. I had my own guild for awhile.

    One of my friends gave me the top guild because they wanted to start a new one and knew that I really liked their guild tag. Everyone used to hang out on GSC which was a chat client nobody seemed to have heard of. It was like a precursor to discord. I had a lot of really good times hanging out with my guild mates. We sometime just hung out and talked without even playing.

  • And I get that. And I think businesses should be able to make profit. And I think CEOs should make a decent salary. But I don’t think insurance should be handled by companies not affiliated with the government.

    The fact is that insurance companies are publicly traded companies. Publicly traded companies have an obligation to shareholders to maximize profit. Maximizing profit isn’t something we want for something as necessary as our health. An individuals health is not a commodity. I’m not saying they are evil personally, but I do think the system is designed to benefit the companies and not the people. Which is not how democracy should work.

  • About $4 million was non-equity pay. Around $19 million was vested shares. He had a 331 : 1 ratio to the average employee. They can afford to pay people’s urgent medical bills without denying claims. If we are required to have insurance to be able to get BASIC needs met, that insurance better meet those basic needs. It’s especially rough for people with less money and less opportunity. Some people live paycheck to paycheck and their claim being denied means that hospital bill now forces them to choose between rent or food.

    I do realize this is a 2 month old thread. There’s like 15 posts in my feed. Normally, I tend to lurk and not comment. Lemmy has a bit of a content drought, and I figured people would be happy with more comments or discussion, even on slightly older threads. If your opinion has changed I’d be happy to discuss that as well.