Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Valve’s Artifact Classic card game. I actually found the basic formula to be really fun.

    I think this game died for two reasons:

    A) The game was review bombed for its monetization (IMO a lot of this was the non-target audience trying it and leaving a bad review)

    B) Valve said following the review bombing that they were going to make major changes. This resulted in a lot of Artifact fans (IMO) leaving the game because … why invested and learn a game that’s going to undergo major changes.

    So Valve worked on Artifact Foundry (and never finished it) … before eventually everyone at Valve gave up and released both Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry for free. The original Artifact Classic is still a great time with a friend and all cards are now totally free so you can build whatever decks you want.

    It’s basically a AAA studio card game, with cross platform support, released in complete, for free … because of some poor decision making. Some things may be unbalanced but if you’re playing with friends anyways … just have a friendly agreement to not use the cards that cause problems in your decks. It also could bounce back into active development if it starts to acquire a player base again (because Valve).

  • I was a teen in the early 2010s. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but the people I know that I grew up with (myself included) that are doing the best with their careers, did the best in college, and were least subject to peer pressure/had good impulse control had parents that did not censor their access to the Internet and instead had conversations about time management and gave them room to fuck up in high school.

    I went to a community college during high school per my parents pressure and promptly fucked up one class having to drop it and having my parents pay $600 instead of tanking my GPA.

    BUT, I never dropped a single class at university and graduated magna cum laude. I had the room to fail when it didn’t matter as much.

    I don’t want to be a backseat parent, but as someone that grew up in this mess myself and saw a lot of people hit the pavement, please consider giving them more freedom as they get older so they can fail while you’re still there to catch them. You don’t need a firewall to stop someone from watching videos all day … just check in and see what they’ve been into all day; encourage them to create stuff not just consume it.

    I was also very isolated in high school, depressed and hiding it, and the folks I met playing video games on the Internet honestly were a huge factor in my continued existence. Some are still very good friends well over a decade later.

    Perhaps a different perspective, perhaps not. Do what’s right for your kids, but every time I hear about parents policing their teens Internet usage I get concerned because of my own lived experiences. Have a nice day.