Science and expert opinion should be respected, “your own research” is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.

No nazis or tankies, thanks.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • What an idiotic comparison.


    …is incredibly reductive and combative. The world needs less of that, not more.

    Be the change, homie.

    In any case, do recall that many of us are in enterprise environments where we’re not the only decision makers. Plus, FOSS without reliable support contracts isn’t workable for many use cases. If something in FOSS goes tits up none of my customers will be satisfied with the great discussion I had with the devs about it and how they’ll totally get to it after Furrycon.

    You might not be paying for software in money but you’re going to pay for it, one way or another.

  • Luckily nobody said there were zero well design AAA games, only that I don’t much care if the big studios eat each other. You can always make another studio. It’s happened before, it’ll happen again. This isn’t like car manufacturing where startups face overwhelming costs and regulatory burdens to begin work. Get some capital, hire some good devs, come up with a thoughtful concept, and people will pay for it. Shit, they’ll pay for virtual goods with no expectation of seeing a finished game (coughStarCitizencough).

    but there are experiences that cannot be replicated in the indie sphere at the moment

    The key phrase there being “at the moment.” And frankly the reverse is a lot more true for more enduring reasons. AAA development is entirely too invested in graphical fidelity at the expense of everything else and entirely too beholden to shareholders to take meaningful risks.

    I do not give one tiny, insignificant shit what corpo entertainment goons do to each other or what hats they wear and neither should you. Blizzard as you knew it has been dead for years. This acquisition means nothing. The people that made the Blizzard you knew great can make their own company and probably will if they’re still working. Stop caring about companies and start caring about the human beings that make good games. Remember their names, look at who they work for.

    Game dev has to grow up just like Film did and you can expect the same market driven patterns to emerge. Indies take risks, the big boys iterate on the formulas they establish, and occasionally they stumble into something legitimately good. So it goes.

    But for every big budget film that’s good, you’ll have a dozen Michael Bay style 'splosion and lens flare fests. That’s the expected pattern.

  • Pretty sure that’s these people, right?

    Edit: Actually this guy signed onto Unity in 2014 Unity was still privately held. It went public in September of 2020. Unity’s founder, David Helgason is still on their board and served as some sort of Senior Executive whatever position at Unity. Dude still has a 4% share of their stock.

    So anyway, probably this David Helgason character who hired him. And/or whoever else (including Riccitiello!?) who was on the board at the time.

    The relationship between CEOs and boards of directors is so fucked up and incestuous…

    In any case and in retrospect, Johnny boy was 100% hired to cue them for up for the eventual IPO and boy did he ever. It’s amazing how fast companies go down hill when they become publicly traded.

  • It’s definitely not human nature and is, instead, an improbably well coordinated conspiracy by a gigantic corporation known for being full of internal conflict over a span of decades to engineer helplessness in users. Whereas we all know that users are normally such resilient, inquisitive souls, more than willing to engage with a piece of technology in order to understand it. Or they were, until Microsoft attacked. Alas, if only it were not for the great evil empire, all would be well. At least this very real conspiracy serves the additional purpose of flattering the community’s vanities and affirming its values as both morally correct and intellectually superior. So we got that going for us, which is nice.