• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2024


  • Well I wouldn’t accept “I dunno” as an answer any more. “you are old enough now that it’s time for you to know because if you don’t people will take advantage of you”.

    Every time they say ‘I dunno’ demand a single page report on the answer complete with at least 2 sources. No TV/Phone/Whatever until it is done. They’ll stop uttering that real quick. The key is co-participation though. Telling them something is important is meaningless when compared to showing them it is important by sitting down and helping them figureidout.

  • How you interact with them is the key to 90% of what your child learns from you. You’re already participating in their viewing. Use this as a stepping stone for dialogue regarding plausibility, and demonstrating critical thinking.

    “Do you agree with that influencer? Why or why not?”

    “What are the influencers motivations?” Dazzle them with possibilities they had not considered too.

    “If I told you I’ve been to space would you believe me? But I’m your parent! Why is my claim beyond belief?”

    “Can you verify what that person is telling you through reliable means? This is how I would do that”.

    … and so on. Just do more of what you’re doing and up the investigation portion IMO. Don’t be afraid to learn something yourself while they witness it. Just be careful to avoid arguments as they’re getting to that age…

  • Never cosplayed personally, but friend went in an admittedly simple Jedi costume back during the Phantom Menace era. We went to a Star Wars convention and just wow. The vibe was incredible. He garnered us so much attention in what was essentially a hand sewn wool blanket with a light sabre toy (no blade) on his belt with glued cardboard detailing. People LOVED the effort though even if it paled in comparison to the ‘professionals’ out there. Guaranteed conversation in any line or wait area. Great way to meet hot Twi’leks in your area. Cannot recommend enough you get into it if you are at all interested.

  • Here’s some more reading for you.

    It’s not a matter of ‘being upset with a moderator’s decision’. Moderators are overstepping their mandate and it is a problem. Say something rude? Banned? Fine. Obviously against the rules. Politely say anything a core clique in that community disagrees with, factual or not, and there’s a non-zero chance you get your comment deleted at best because a mod+ disagrees, and it happens way too often.

    But how is that different from any other website?

    In other places there are extrinsic factors that influence how moderation is done. Reddit for example is concerned first and foremost with ensuring it is a place Ad agencies are comfortable working with. Reddit would strip moderators of their roles specifically because they weren’t doing their job right, and upsetting the community or ad agencies. More to the point: they have a Code of Conduct that is standardized for the ENTIRE platform. (AFAICT the problem with the mods being so problematic here is likely due to this mass exodus of incompetent mods from Reddit, but that is a hypothesis that needs further testing and out of my ability to research.)

    At best this whole problem is that the Mods can’t be bothered to actually investigate reports, likely due to inadequate mod tools. Someone reports misinformation, or a troll, or rudeness and the accused gets punished with zero thought as to the veracity of the claim. I do not think that is it though. There are a couple mods who have a MO of abusing mod powers after verbally abusing a user just to get the final word, at least that I am aware of or experienced first hand.

    And finally, I find the argument to ‘join the cartel of corrupt Mods if you don’t like it’… counterproductive. I personally do not want full control of moderation. I want moderation to be regulated/standardized because Lemmy atm is very much like the Old West.