No offence taken. He was not a tech savvy person.
No offence taken. He was not a tech savvy person.
There is no such thing as immutable or uncorruptable OS. My late father would always find a way to fuck up the laptop I setup for him. He would even come back with errors that I’ve seen for the first time and our conversation would go like this:
Me: How did this happen? My Father: how should know? It was like this when I turned it on. Me: what did you do before you turned it off last time? My Father: I was on Facebook, played some backgammon and watched some YouTube. Me: …
I miss him and I would gladly give everything to have him bother me with his laptop problems one more time. I hope that he is getting some good support where ever he is.
I’m glad you liked it. Enjoy.
I’m a Freelancer fan as well. I was looking for a game like that since then. And now it seems there is kind of a successor to the Freelancer.
Thanks for sharing.
Not gonna lie it’s an addiction at this point.
They were fun. Used to play with friends over dial-up modem connection.
Victim blaming is an ageless tradition in the middle eastern cultures. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Muslim woman, Christian woman or Jewish woman… All the Abrahamic religions consider women as a faulty part of the humanity and in corporation with the devil. So I’m not surprised. I’m also not surprised that so called Christians circle jerking each other while they don’t know what their bible says about women. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Because you won’t be talking shit if you know what the fuck is really up with so called religion.
I’m a gamer and I love it. Without it I wouldn’t be able to play my favorite such as Open Transport Tycoon or OpenRA. We need more to make old games better.
Just couple days back my friend was asking if there are any good new Warhammer 40k games. I’ll see what he will have to say about this one lol.
Tripping game of the year award goes to…
I hate snaps and flatpacks equally. They really cause more problems than they solve for new users.
Glad you like it. Enjoy.
Listen Audiobook Player
As a person who went full Linux recently I might be biased.
That’s the one… Ahahaha
You don’t know? He is Torvalds Tsubasa long lost Japanese cousin of his.
Everybody knows you just need more RAM for that :-P
He never blamed the computer directly because he knew I bought a new laptop for him. But he would say it happened on it’s own so…