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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • My grandma took care of me from the moment I was two months old till I was old enough to travel on my own and cook my own food, and even after that we would continue meeting for lunch every week. My mom and dad were present in my life and loving parents but divorced when I was really young and both had to work and travel a lot, through it all, I’d always had her.
    At the time of the story, my dear grandma was slowly dying in her struggle with depression. In-patient treatment had done little to nothing, she was on several psychiatric medications, no dice.

    In the middle of this I had an interview scheduled for an internship in a field I really cared about and for the life of me, I couldn’t find the room the interview was being held at in that laberynth of a faculty building. I would go to where the receptionist told me and find nothing, Id ask teachers and no one knew the place I was headed to. Id open random doors and got into offices where people would rush me out. The clock was ticking and I felt incredibly stupid at not being able to find the stupid room. The building wasn’t even that large.

    And all of a sudden it was too much and I just… broke down sobbing and couldnt stop, everything was too much. Must have been ugly crying for half an hour straight. My eyes were so puffy I could barely even see anymore.
    What I wont forget about that time is how many of the 17 - 18 year-old students approached me that day: offered me water, or to show me the bathroom, asked if I needed a phone to call anyone. One girl even hugged me while I continued crying my hear out and helped me email the person I was supposed to meet that day to tell them I had a personal emergency, while she heard out everything that was going on with me and tried her best to assure me everything would turn out fine.
    On my way home, people on the public transport would offer me seats, or ask if I was alright.

    Sounds like small things, but in the world we live in sometimes its easy to believe nobody gives a shit anymore.
    I did get that internship, the following week. And continue to be in that field of work.

  • Commenting just to say, you are not alone buddy!
    A year or so ago I started on a job that was promising but very quickly found it was not what I expected at all, and very soon after started crying and feeling miserable all the time.
    I had dreams where I was fired, and I woke up sad that they were just dreams. It was that bad.
    It wasn’t that I was exploited or my coworkers were toxic, it was just a very very bad fit for me. Without giving too much detail, I was in that job to help people, but the job had no actual tools or resources to help anyone. So I just had to listen to these terrible stories and take note… and do nothing.
    When I quit, instead of another full time job, I came up with a bunch of freelance-ish style of stuff, where I could organice my own day and give myself time to heal ( I know not everyone can do this, but it worked for me). I learned a big lesson on the kinds of jobs I DONT WANT and what Im better off avoiding.
    Then decided I wanted to give resources to the people around the country that work in the same position I used to, and through friends and contacts made a course so that people now can have some resources to help.
    Your path and what works to get out of this will be unique to you, but don’t be afraid to change it up a bit for some time. I hope it works out for you in the end!