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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • That’s a very shortsighted view of religion. People two thousand years ago were extremely religious and lgbtq friendly, etc. Most religious people are vaxxed. I mean the things you attribute ro religion is shortsighted, obviously so.

    You’re looking at a small subsection of the world during a small subsection of time. It’s not applicable to religion as a whole and why people are religious. People are obviously not becoming religious in order to be antivax anti lgbtq, etc, etc. The reason is obviously not found there.

    And no, we can not contextualize the human condition through rational thought. Humans aren’t just rational, we don’t just act rationally. We have irrational feelings, emotions and thoughts. So it’s literally impossible, in a literal sense. This is basic logic.

  • Because there is no downside. I mean, the only thing that atheist think is appealing is that they can reason themselves out of religion. What makes you think that ‘reasoning yourself out of religion’ is attractive, desirable or a worthy goal? It just isn’t. It leads to existential crisis in most if not all cases. And then atheist take pride in surviving that crisis. Which, sure, admirable… But attractive? Of course not.

    You can be religious and do anything in the world. Literally. I know that atheist love to focus on dumb fucks and literalists, and on how religions are being abused. But the truth is that religion is deeply personal and peoples relation with religion is completely their own. It’s extremely simple to pick and choose from the myriad of options within religion. Most religious people are not literalists.

    And then you get connection with people, see them regularly, participate in rituals, celebration days, rules for engagement with life.

    Plus, don’t forget, an extremely old and mystic piece of human history. The attempts of people to live in a world that has a God. Their struggles, their victories. In essence a reflection on the human condition. And you get to be part of that. Atheist are often too fast to explain religion as a sort of ‘failed science’, while it’s absolutely not. And of course if you can’t figure that out you’re going to ask why people want to believe in something like that.

    There will never be a rational reason for the human condition. Religion will never ever not be part of humanity. As the only way in which the human condition can be contextualised is in a world that is created, and religions are the keepers of that knowledge.

  • Life is fucking amazing. The intricacy of it all is just so incredibly deep, a neverending pool of knowledge and mysteries to explore. And then there also is a thing called creativity. The absolutely stunning, interesting, weird, crazy, lovely stuff around us is an endless adventure. And on top of that there is love, being able to care and support others is deeply rewarding.

    I absolutely do not fear death and do not care about pain. I really just enjoy it here, so i avoid it as best i can. I eat healthy, active lifestyle, taking care of my psychological needs. I hope to live for another 100 years!

  • In no real particular order, games with highest impact on me:

    1. battlefield 1942 - desert combat mod

    Ground breaking at the time. Physics and gamespeed have never been captured by any other game. Consumed my free time for a long time.

    2 counter strike

    Simple concept, extreme depth. I’ve clocked several thousand hours into this franchise.

    1. The witcher 3

    In terms of world building and story telling… Incredible.

    1. The Witness

    Absolute masterclass in game design, world design. Puzzle design… This is an incredible puzzle game that will shift your perspective.

    1. Faster than light

    I haven’t found anything else quite scratch that replay ability, that tethering on the brink of losing, itch. It’s a unique game.

    1. Guild wars 2

    Completely changed the way mmorpgs were played, and was a great mmo.

    1. Monkey Island

    I wanted to mention a point and click, several spring to mind, but this still series lives in my mind the most. Although space quest is another that impacted my young brain.

    1. Minecraft

    Like… I was there since its debut. Still watching and enjoying mc related content.

    1. Elite

    Space is pretty big and cool

    1. Eve online

    Getting back stabbed by the person you’ve been back stabbing for, so you join the enemies of your friends to be able to backstab your backstabbers.

  • So let’s be very clear here. This is basically true for any new car, practically no ‘normal car’ has come out (in the US) for the past few years. The amount of feature creep has been massive, some due to regulations, some because adding it is cheap. The only place where you can get relatively bare bones is in pick ups. Not in suv’s. Cars except sportscars are no longer being offered, only two ‘normal’ models (accord and camry) still exist. These all have driver assist tech and large screens as well. You won’t be able to get around features hiding behind touch screens, simply impossible to find in today’s market.

    The problem for Evs is that beyond styling the only differentiating factor is tech. They are all fast and differ not that much in range, speed, comfort, handling in their price ranges. This has pushed tech into the car industry, especially in the US where people are willing to go into debt for cars, to the point where the average price for a new car is 47k. Compared to eu: 27k

    In principle, the less you pay the less tech you get. But for any new car, there is tech. No way around it anymore. You can buy the car and ignore it.

  • Alsjemenou@lemy.nltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat is the next "big thing"?
    2 months ago

    America has a real problem if something very bad happens to Biden or Trump during the elections (or shortly after).

    The world has a problem when Trump is elected again. As he’s not known for keeping peace, or understanding international relations. In fact quite the opposite.

    So the next big thing really is the elections.

    Notice though how certain massive events are barely registering here… Imagine a third of Americans threatened to lose their home… But that’s what’s currently happening in China through floods, and rain season still having to start. I would call that big, 120 million people isn’t nothing… In comparison, 7 million died from corona (out of 700 million confirmed cases)

    So this very much depends on your perspective and where on the planet you live.