• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I’ve played CS2 for weeks. Days of hours. Have completely enjoyed it.

    It’s not finished and they’re honest about that. Also, comparisons to CS in it’s finished state (easy to do unconsciously) overlook just how many DLCs it took to get to full maturity.

    I enjoy the game and have no regrets for buying. I don’t feel deceived since I could have asked for as refund.

    I think some of this is a specific kind of FOMO. Fear of missing out (on what could have been). I’m hoping they do enough to fix the parenthetical.

    Edit to add: my computer has great specs for late 2020. It’s not top of the line, but it has everything I thought it would need, CPU, RAM, GPU. That may impact my experience.

    The game was unplayable on my 5 year old laptop. But it’s not really a gaming rig anyhow…

  • No console launch, no mod management, and optimization issues.

    Two out of three weren’t expected. Maybe all three.

    That said, I like CS2 more than the original. I miss the added functions I got from some of the DLC (industries, airports), but I’m sure they won’t pass up the opportunity to do it all over again and make money doing so. That is, provided there is a large enough community to buy DLCs.

    People love/loved CS. Whole TY channels grew up for just that one game. Those channels are branching out more now and that causes me concern.

    I don’t blame the devs. I wish they’d waited to launch, but I can also understand the companies need money to function.

    We’re in a critical time and I know the devs put a lot of heart into the game. If I was their leader, I’d be sympathetic too. Doesn’t mean I’m seeing toxicity - just not the reception the devs may have expected after all that hype.

  • They want out and haven’t found a way to make money off of voice assistant. They’re just slowly killing it.

    It’s part of why I’m pushing hard on my HA and hoping their voice efforts at least give me a solid voice experience at home.

    HA = Home Assistant

    Edit to say: I get that people are frustrated that previously good (mostly) free solutions are going away. I’m not defending tech, but I do see their business need here. Google has long lost my trust anyhow.

    I’m not upset by the down votes, but 8 do wonder what they mean.

    To me the only safe thing to do is pull back and build my own. Raspberry Pis aren’t expensive.