It seems like they are down for a longer time now. How will they recover? Does longer down mean they will have to do more catching up with other instances? Can I get updates somewhere?

    1 year ago

    Used Reddit for 13 years, tried out Kbin and Lemmy yesterday and settled on Lemmy.

    Long story short, I’m going back to Reddit.

    1. There needs to be ONE site,, that people goto. This entire thing about having .whateveryouwant is VERY off putting. Most internet users have been trained to be extremely wary of odd or unusual things, so having anything besides .com/.net/.org will turn away a huge portion of users.

    I initially setup an account on, then realized that I couldn’t migrate it to another server and that when I deleted that account on that server all my comments were deleted.

    1. Deciphering the distributed nature of it took me, a relatively tech-friendly person, almost the entire day and several ‘What the fuck?’ posts. I now understand it more. There are some very low-level guides that have been haphazardly put together, but there absolutely needs to be a MUCH smoother guide/explanation to this whole thing. That learning process will turn people away for sure.

    2. BECAUSE I understand it more now, I’m left feeling VERY uncomfortable about my data security. If this is going to become a mainstream thing, as it reaches and before it gets to that critical mass of users, there’s going to be SO. MANY. SECURITY ISSUES. There’s no 2fa at all, hacking and user-account hacking is just going to run rampant, and I’m left wondering ‘Where is my username and password actually stored?’. The answer, sadly, is wherever the dude who’s running the instance/server is. In the ‘Fediverse’ your server instance might be hosted in a US or EU data center with proper digital and physical security, or it could be Joe Blows basement in Iowa running off a NAS. The easy-to-see future here is that Lemmy will fail to attract a critical mass of people because they’ll initially arrive, after a few months their instances will just cease to exist/get shut down/the hosts will decide its no longer a fun hobby to do.

    With a large corporation, they have the staff and resources to secure and maintain the servers physically and digitally, and keep staff up-to-date on current infosec threats and get out in front of them. Beyond that, if there IS a breach, they have the ability to recognize it, understand the legalities and requirements of reporting it, and can be held accountable by regulatory bodies. Joe doesn’t have the resources to really maintain and keep a server running, nor the knowledge of his responsibilities for keeping the data safe digitally or physically.

    On top of that, if Joe’s basement loses power/gets hacked/Joe decides he’s moving to San Fransisco and can’t bring his NAS with him and the server goes down, and that’s where my instance is hosted well there goes my entire account/comments/data.

    1. Finding and subbing to communities is painfully difficult. It should be one-click, but somewhere I need to goto an external list, find what I want, and then copy/paste the URL into the search… and then 50% of the time, it doesn’t work. This is an understandable growing pain and can likely be fixed by UI/UX upgrades, but for now it’s a definite turn-off.

    2. There simply is no content. I’m not a creator, I want content aggregated for me, and I’ve gotten used to having a single place to get it from that floods me with thousands of different articles/memes/posts/etc every minute. Until the user base arrives in one single place and starts generating content, there’s no reason for most people like me to be there as by far the larger number of users never create anything at all and only exist to consume the content generated.

      1 year ago

      A large open source project is generally more secure than a closed source one as it has more developers working on it and more security experts reading the code or testing it. If you want an example look at how many developers are working on Linux vs Windows and there security history. Once lemmy is big enough it has the potential to be more secure than things like Facebook or Twitter even.

      You apparently don’t understand how password hashes work. Nobody is storing your password on any well implemented website. You can’t just grab someone’s password if there is a breach, provided the people who built the website aren’t completely incompetent.

      With these misunderstandings and the fact federation was confusing to you I am not sure I believe your claim that you are a “tech-friendly” person. You sound like someone who has above average exposure to technology rather than someone who is actually skilled in it. There is nothing wrong with this in itself but please don’t claim to be proficient when you aren’t.

      1 year ago

      Thats not the point of being federated. It is very simple to understand once you get over the learning curve. The analogies to countries/states communicating to each other but being seperate helped me

      1 year ago

      There needs to be ONE site,, that people goto. This entire thing about having .whateveryouwant is VERY off putting.

      The main feature of a federated system is that there’s no one “owner” of the entire system; each admin uses their own servers and their own domain names. There’s nothing stopping a server admin from using a .com domain name…

      There’s no 2fa at all

      There’s basic TOTP 2FA now: but it hasn’t been released yet (it’s only available in the latest server beta). “Next-gen” TOTP (Webauthn/FIDO) is coming later:

      ‘Where is my username and password actually stored?’. The answer, sadly, is wherever the dude who’s running the instance/server is. In the ‘Fediverse’ your server instance might be hosted in a US or EU data center with proper digital and physical security, or it could be Joe Blows basement in Iowa running off a NAS.

      You should get to know your server admin, then. You have the freedom to pick any server you like :)

      There simply is no content

      Have you subscribed to many communities yet? You can browse other Lemmy servers to find interesting communities, and subscribe to them on your instance.