Imho, linking to GitLab (source) is the best way to share on Lemmy. I see news about the Wine 10 release all day, and these are not shown as crossposts due to different links. Here are some other crossposts:
Thought this was a satire until I realised that Wine is a linux application
The bottle thumbnail doesn’t help either. lol
What is Wine anyway? All I can work out is that it definitely is not an emulator… (probably it’s a fermented drink made from grapes, but implemented in Linux.)
It’s a translator. Takes commands that are meant for windows to understand, and translates them into something Linux can work with. If the program requires the services of the kernel, for instance, it makes its system call as usual but the call gets converted to a command for the Linux kernel. At the end of the day it’s the Linux kernel doing the work that was aimed at the windows kernel, and there is no windows kernel anywhere at all. That’s unlike an emulator where you’d be running the windows kernel inside your Linux environment.
Wine also creates a windows-looking file structure so that programs can find the stuff they’re looking for where they expect them to be. Like, it creates a “program files” directory somewhere in your filesystem and tells the windows applications to look there if they need to. There’s more to it, but you get the gist I hope.
In a way, wine extends your Linux environment to support windows stuff. Whereas an emulator would create a new windows environment entirely. The goal is not to trick software into thinking it’s on a windows machine, it’s to make it work on Linux. The difference there is that by making it work on Linux you can make it work together and share resources with the rest of the system instead of remaining isolated in its own emulated environment.
I think the above was a light-hearted joke. Your answer might be useful for newbies, though
I can’t fathom the use of Wine on Linux, clearly Tux has always had a Beer belly
Dvorak at last
🤩hope I can play cyberpunk in wayland now
Huh I’ve been playing Cyberpunk in wayland all along. Hope you get to play too and that the issue wasn’t something else!
Maybe it is just too much time since I last played or with proton on wayland, it just takes that bit more power, so that my good ol 980 isn’t handeling it well 🤔
By better hidpi support, does this mean that those “windows” specific windows that launch sometimes when I do things wine related will actually have a normal size on my 4k monitor instead of being microscopic?
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Have you tried lutris?