There is a kind of very difficult film-style that is extremely complicated to do right, a kind of metaphorical, retro-futuristic, allegorically emotiono-political noir. I've seen many types of this done in such a surface level insane way that they are borderline unwatchable. A good example of this type of movie, which works to some extend, is Blender Foundation's [Elephants Dream]( But even that is so strange that you have to grind yourself through a strange feeling of something being not quite right when watching it. Megalopolis by [Francis Ford Coppola]() seems like one that actually works. Which I consider to be a big achievement in cinematic science.
“If you don’t like the movie it’s because you’re not sophisticated enough to enjoy it”
This is used on so many terrible over done movies that it is it has to have its own trope by now. Every single one of these movies ends up forgotten. That is the best test of quality as it indicates a resonance with our human experience.
This movie is a banana duct taped to a wall.