Is it “Camel-uh” or “Cam-ahl-uh”?

    2 months ago

    Trans people, or anyone else who wishes to change their name from what their parents wrote at birth, are completely valid in their new name.

    Whataboutism to twist and call me transphobic? Why do you mention trans people here? ‘Pronouns’ and ‘pronounce’ have nothing in common.

    Third, “John” is another example that actually proves why your argument is wrong. It comes from the old hebrew יְהוֹחָנָן‎. But as other cultures adopted the name and changed it to be their own over hundreds of years, small changes turned it into Ιωάννης in Greek, Johannes in Latin, Jean in French, and eventually John in modern English. Why is the same thing happening to Kamala such an issue for you?

    Because that change was organic, and took hundreds of years? Are you going to conveniently ignore that?

    Her name is what she says her name is

    …while ignoring all the nuances, that is, her conditioning by a society that has taught her to internalize hatred towards her own identity? Attitude like that of your is the reason why second and third generation immigrants suffer from the pain of having a cultural disconnect, making them feel like an alien - being discriminated in their own country, and being a foreigner to their own culture. And now, you’re trying to gaslight a native speaker?

    It does not take a genius to look at the butchered transliteration(s) - (funny how there’s no agreement on a singular pronounciation?) versus the original pronunciation on Wiktionary.