I go to Steam regularly to play my games, usually posting simple screenshots of my game sessions. But when I go to the communities I see Internet videos, GIFs, memes, and memetic everything and it’s not really my thing. I even posted on Lemmy that I didn’t like memes in general and what do they post on here? It feels like people are having fun by abusing their humanity in the process or like a Reddit subreddit, and I specifically came to Lemmy on the Fediverse to avoid all that. They post things that I’m uncomfortable with and typically I don’t have fun by posting Internet memes for a living…that’s just weird.

Does anyone agree or does everyone here do it anyway?

  • testman@lemmy.mlM
    4 months ago

    Communities as in what exactly?
    The Community Hubs for specific games or various groups that people made?
    In either case, it’s probably better to intentionally stay out of there, since you know that you generally dislike the content there.
    Or, you could try to find a user group that has rules and moderates content in a way that you agree with.
    But overall, Steam is platform for video games, which are generally considered to be fun, so it is to be expected that other variations of “fun” will be present there as well.