I’m not saying the worst, otherwise I would need to include the star wars sequels or transformers movies… Just some really dumb movie that somehow got praised.
For me has to be Ready Player One. That movie message is so “uhuh” obvious that is stupid, the whole nerd that saves the world in a thing that otherwise would be useless to know in real life… The so over the top evil gaming corporation. The whole 80s and 90s movies and games references get old after half an hour… And it’s so pandering towards the geeks and nerds, they really want the viewer feeling really cool for knowing that is the Shining hallway, or that is a Monty python reference… Or look a GUNDAM! YOU’RE SO COOL FOR COLLECTING THOSE GUN PLA! Look we have also overwatch and halo in the background! You’re so cool modern gamer!
Also the obviously attractive “nerd” hacker girl that thinks she’s ugly and deformed for having a small hard to see red tint in one side of her pretty face… Cmon man. In no universe anyone would think that actress is ugly.
And the message at the end is so hilarious: Look man, you’re cool for getting these references and being a real gamer is cool, but go outside more!
Is like the creators have no self awareness.
I like Margot Robbie. I like Ryan Gosling. I like fun movies. But idk, it just didn’t really appeal to me, and the plot felt predictable. I don’t regret watching it necessarily, but I also have no interest in watching it again.
Watch me several times now and then I’ll watch you several times back
You’re a great dude, Margot Robbie.
That’s esteemed Academy Award nominated great dude Margot Robbie to you!
(Dude is gender neutral now)
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No, but with all of the hype and excitement around it, I thought there was something extra-special about this movie. Like an interesting/unexpected story.
it was unexpected for a Barbie movie
I’m with halfeatenpotato here. I went into it expecting something that had spawned this whole Barbieheimer thing, and was a billion-Plus-dollar movie that excited the nation for a while.
That’s not what I saw. It was hot garbage. It wasn’t even fun.
You fell for the marketing
Yes I did.
I thought it was fun and I get why it’s been so exceedingly popular but they tried a little too hard to make the concept of Barbie and the concept of womanhood out to be the same thing. For a lot of people that really worked and I think that’s made it harder to criticize.
There are some really top tier moments though which made it easier to forget and forgive all the boring bits.
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I was so confused about the message… Ken went full patriarchy, but then demonstrated that it wasn’t really that bad (also, no horses). So compared to barbieland the real world is absolutely paradise. Then they flip the full-on matriarchal barbieland to complete patriarchy, find that the women don’t like that, do a bit of gender war and go mostly matriarchy because reasons. And than a bitter remark that women have it hard in the real world so men will have it hard in barbieland. It’s all over the place.
The weird pacing, jokes that fall flat and at one point goes all 3 stooges just left me feeling… Empty, afterwards. All that hype, all the people rooting for and against it, people complaining that it didn’t win all the awards… I thought it was a vapid, low quality summer movie.
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I think it confronted some issues that many of us have been aware of for a long time in a somewhat superficial way. I also think that it brought some conversations into the mainstream that might not have happened otherwise. So I liked it.
The constant attack towards men ruined that movie, it wasn’t even a clever attack just dumb feminism
The Barbie movie isn’t attacking men, it just lampoons society using the Barbies and Kens as silly caricatures.
Maybe it has a slight vapid girl power message but the real message is “hey remember this Barbie doll? Give us money”
While I do agree that it, at times, definitely stepped into ‘dumb femminism’ as you put it. I also acknowledge that it was a movie and to do a discussion on feminism justice it would require a lot more than 2 hours. So a lot got simplified, sometimes too much. I disagree with you that it was a constant attack towards men. The movie went wayyyyy out of its way to make it clear they were attacking patriarchal systems, not men in general. That’s Ken’s whole arc, he’s suffering under patriarchy too. He just also gets the benefits of the patruarchy while he’s suffering. If I had any criticism about the film it was how much it tried to avoid criticizing capitalism and corporate culture’s role.
Nah I’m sorry but it was an aimed attack. The speech about what society expects from a woman is such bullshit. As a man that is very old school I don’t need woman to look great for me but not enough for other men, or being delicate, or earning less and all that stupidity. The men were the villain in the movie and the butt of the joke…
And the Ken character was fine. Only at the very end was almost shoehorned the “oh actually the system is the problem” and wtf didn’t he got Barbie at the end, she even wanted him at first. Now that he was a better person or whatever why they went separate ways? There’s no satisfactory ending for neither of the characters.
Thank you for projecting your experience as an individual man, on the experience of all women re what society expects of them.
Fucking Bravo.
Sorry to break it to you, but everyone projects their own experience. A man’s experience is just as valid, even if you disagree with it.
I’m using me as an example, especially since I’m not a gen Z, but do you really think the average dude feels much different about women? Cmon
Wow fuckin’ wooosh with you and that one hey? Only a very weak beta would feel even remotely attacked by that movie. Good luck Chuck!