Hey everyone! So I’ve setup successfully Sonarr, Radarr and Bazaar and they all communicate to each other fine. One think I can’t understand why, is that when I search from Prowlarr and forward the downloads to SABnzbd, after the download is done, Sonnar and Radar will not import the files to their database, but the downloads stay in the downloads folder. When I search and download from Sonarr and Radarr everything is placed nicely. Using Usenet and hardlinks; so downloads in X folder and moved to Y(tv shows) and Z(movies) folders. In Sonaar and Radarr I’ve mapped such folders as you might understand.

Is this how Prowler works (meaning) downloads just stay in the download client folder and then I have to manually import them to Sonarr and Radarr?

    • rambos@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Yeah thats a solution. Just right-click torrents that came from prowlarr and move it to sonarr or radarr category.

      Categories are made automatically when you create a torrent client in sonarr/radarr. They are also synced with qbittorrent