Yeah but it’s been said before: this is not the 1st or the 14th game to required 3rd party fuckin’ accounts for no reason and received very few complaints.
Usually it’s forced at launch so if people don’t like it they can refund immediately. This is an odd situation where it went from being skippable to suddenly a requirement. People got used to not needing another account for the game.9
If people could play without it then it wasn’t required. Especially if the majority of the time the game has been active it hasn’t been. So in the eyes of consumers it wasn’t required. EULAs or whatever is only something companies clutch onto.
Not everyone buys a game immediately at launch. So doesn’t matter. There were enough people that could as their first play through that game wasn’t even region blocked.
Yeah but it’s been said before: this is not the 1st or the 14th game to required 3rd party fuckin’ accounts for no reason and received very few complaints.
Usually it’s forced at launch so if people don’t like it they can refund immediately. This is an odd situation where it went from being skippable to suddenly a requirement. People got used to not needing another account for the game.9
Not entirely accurate. It was forced at launch. Then they made it skippable. Now it’s just being required again.
If people could play without it then it wasn’t required. Especially if the majority of the time the game has been active it hasn’t been. So in the eyes of consumers it wasn’t required. EULAs or whatever is only something companies clutch onto.
They couldn’t.
Not everyone buys a game immediately at launch. So doesn’t matter. There were enough people that could as their first play through that game wasn’t even region blocked.
Not arguing any of that. Just getting the facts straight.