I have a question about openstreetmap. Is it possible to go back in time and look at the state of the maps in the past?
I have been doing a lot of mapping in my hometown. It looks much better now compared to 2-3 years ago. I want to do a before-vs-after comparison, but I forgot to take a “before” screenshot. Is this something I can do after the fact? Would it be possible to see what OSM looked like in 2020?
The data is here: https://planet.openstreetmap.org/planet/full-history/
And there’s an unmaintained, outdated renderer for it here: https://github.com/MaZderMind/osm-history-renderer
Good luck!
@superkret @silvercove I’ve seen this as a “before and after” map for 2007 and 2017, IIRC. It was not very fast (most of the 2007 tiles were generated on demand), and it’s not findable any more. That said, there’s a service that seems to generate static maps from OSM data: