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PsychedelicArtwork - Psychedelia.ink
psychedelia.inkA place to share psychedelic art, art that inspires a sense of spirituality or
mysticism, or just trippy stuff; whether you made it, or someone else did. This
is a copy of the subreddit by the same name ran by the same people.
1. If you didn’t create the art you are sharing please credit the artist
2. No spam
3. No AI art.
ARTISTS’ LINKS: * Adam Scott Miller [http://adam-scott-miller.deviantart.com/]
* Alex Grey [http://alexgrey.com/art/]
* Amanda Sage [http://amandasage.com/]
* Andrei Verner
* Andrew Norris [https://andrewnorrisarts.com/]
* Android Jones [http://androidjones.com/]
* Archaia [http://archaia.deviantart.com/gallery/]
* Archan Nair [https://www.archann.net/]
* Ashley Foreman [http://www.thirteentwentystudios.com/]
* Autumn Skye [http://www.autumnskyemorrison.com/]
* Benedigital [http://benedigital.com/]
* Bryan Ward [http://brainwar23.deviantart.com/gallery/]
* Colin Bolger [https://www.dabulgadesign.com/] * Cameron Gray
* Chris Dyer [http://www.positivecreations.ca/]
* Chris Johnson [http://society6.com/theartofchrisjohnson]
* Chris Saunders [http://chrissaunders.bigcartel.com/]
* Drake Arnold [http://drakearnold.com/]
* Dustyn Altimus [http://dustynaltimus.com/]
* Eduardo Rodriguez [http://eduardorodriguezcalzado.com/]
* Elliot Rogers [http://www.elliotrogers.com/]
* Emma Watkinson [http://www.vagallery.com/emma-watkinson.html]
* Fabian Jimenez [http://www.threyda.com/collections/fabian-jimenez]
* Freeman Dan [http://freemandan.com/]
* Hakan Hisim [http://hakan.moonfruit.com/]
* Hannah Faith Yata [http://www.hannahyata.com/]
* Hans Walor [http://www.hanswalor.com/purpose.html]
* IsnerVision [http://isnervision.com/]
* Jade Amazon [https://www.facebook.com/JadeAmazonArt?fref=nf]
* Jake Kobrin [http://jkobrinart.viewbook.com/]
* Jennifer Mceuen [http://www.jennifermceuen.com/]
* Jim Figora [http://jim-figora.artistwebsites.com/index.html]
* Johnathan Solter [http://jsolter.bigcartel.com/]
* John Speaker [http://www.johnspeaker.com/]
* Justin Totemical [http://www.totemical.com/]
* Kat Saturn [https://www.facebook.com/KatSaturnArts]
* Lakandiwa [http://lakandiwa.deviantart.com/]
* Larry Carlson [http://larrycarlson.com/]
* Luis Tamani [https://www.facebook.com/tamani.luis/timeline]
* Luke Brown [http://www.spectraleyes.com/]
* Madison Moore [http://maddiemooreart.wordpress.com/]
* Manifold [http://manafoldart.deviantart.com/gallery/]
* Mark Lee [http://somnio8.com/]
* Mars -1 [http://mars-1.com/filter/PAINTINGS]
* Martin Stensaas [http://martinstensaas.com/]
* Matei Apostolescu [http://013a.com/]
* Melina Del Mar [http://www.melinadelmar.com/home.php]
* Michael Divine [http://tenthousandvisions.com/]
* Miguel Gustus [https://www.instagram.com/gustus/]
* Minjae Lee [http://renokim.com/]
* Monique Munoz [http://roguehabits.com/monique-munoz/]
* Morgan Mandala [http://morganmandala.com/]
* Mugwort Designs [https://www.etsy.com/shop/mugwortmedia]
* Mukesh Singh [http://nisachar.deviantart.com/gallery/]
* Nick Sturgess [http://forgetdeny.deviantart.com/]
* Nicky Barkla [http://nickybarkla.deviantart.com/]
* Olivia Curry [http://www.dreamnectar.com/]
* Otis Chamberlain
* Pat Marek [https://www.patmarek.com/i]
* Peter Westermann [http://www.peterwestermann.com/]
* Phil Lewis [http://www.phillewisart.com/gallery.html]
* Rez [https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByRez]
* Ronald Feghalis [http://www.ronfeghali.com/paintings.html]
* Salvia Droid [http://salviadroid.deviantart.com/gallery/38100452/PSYCHEDELIC]
* Sander Bros [http://www.sander-bos.nl/]
* Seth McMahon [http://www.sethmcmahon.dreamhosters.com/]
* Simon Haiduk [http://www.artbysimon.com/home.html]
* Saramazing [http://www.saramazingdesign.com/]
* Susan Schiffer [http://www.schiffervisionart.com/]
* Wasso Kozlina IV [http://www.wassoart.com/]
* The Welch Brothers [http://www.welchbrothersart.com/]
* Randal Roberts [http://www.allofthisisforyou.com/]
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