Hey Lemmy,

Long story short, I got unlucky. At age 18, I got one of those nasty neurodegenerative diseases that slowly deteriorates the body’s nervous system. Now at age 21, after ravaging my vision, bladder control, balance, memory, heart rate, cognition, and sense of touch, it is now taking over my breathing. My breathing simply doesn’t work during sleep anymore. It slows down and stops entirely before restarting again. I read that this is likely because the disease finally reached the part of the brainstem that controls breathing, and that if it gets worse, it may be fatal. It would appear that I’m hanging on at 1 HP, and the next attack could be the one that does me in. It’s getting uncomfortable knowing that every day is another roll of the dice, because I don’t think mine have many sides left.

I want people to know that life was the greatest fucking thing to ever happen to me. I loved it all, even the parts that sucked, just because I got to take it all in. The highs of joy, the lows of sadness, the good, the bad. People will say “Too bad he never got to live a full life,” but I say FUCK that! This was fucking incredible! This IS a full life because it’s the one I got, and just the chance to experience this universe is so unbelievably goddamn beautiful. You think I’m going to complain when we are basically supercomputers, made up of incomprehensibly complicated microstructures, and we have the technology to experience the richest and most creative worlds other humans have to offer ON TOP of that?? HELL NO! From my perspective, there was nothing, and then there was the most beautiful, intricate, and awe-inspiring light show - incomprehensibly detailed, amazing, and endless. Whoever gave that to me, I just want to say that I fucking love you. Whether it’s God, the creator of the simulation, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or mathematical soup, there is no string of words in the English language to describe how grateful I am. How the FUCK did this happen?

I’ve been writing a lot recently in a note-taking app called Obsidian. I’m using it to record my thoughts about life and the person I was, because I want to share who I was with my family and the world. See, I was always sort of the black sheep in my family. I often kept to myself because I didn’t always have the best relationship with them. That was all well and good… until now. I realized that once I die, the essence of my personality will instantly be gone, and my family will only remember the boring, inoffensive outer shell that I presented. But I want them to know the real me, even if I think totally differently than them and even if some differences upset them, because at least then they will know what my actual, genuine feelings were. Because I had a whole lot of them.

I also wanted to share them with my Internet friends and the hundreds of people in my community who enjoy my projects. I think it would be really cool if people could browse my thoughts like a wiki (save for a few personal pages for just my family). Perhaps I could use something like Quartz for the site generation and GitHub Pages for hosting? I’d prefer if it didn’t incur cost. As for the notes for my family, I guess I could put them on a USB stick? The only problem is that it could decay or there could be a house fire or something like that.

One thing I’m a bit worried about is the idea that damage in specific parts of my brain could suddenly alter my personality or give me delusions that cause me to delete or remove everything out of some insanity that I can’t comprehend. I feel like I have to physically give my family a copy for them to hide from me in case I become a zombie. But then, what if I want to write more notes for them? Maybe I can have it published to the cloud somewhere and they periodically download it?

I wanted to pose the question here, because I think others might have better ideas than what I’m thinking of right now. I’d prefer something I could do in one day, since I really want to avoid risking more days without this. I just want to write and ideally be able to sync everything pretty quickly. My thoughts will never be complete, but I’ll have much more peace of mind knowing that people will at least see what I have written so far.

  • BOFH@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    OP stated his diagnosis. I’m sure his statement about loss of control due to neurological issues isn’t a Web MD search, my friend.

    • kromem@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Actually, they didn’t mention any specific diagnosis. And you might want to read their post and history more closely, such as this line above:

      I read that this is likely because the disease finally reached the part of the brainstem that controls breathing, and that if it gets worse, it may be fatal.

      It really looks like OP is coming to their own conclusions by what they are reading online, not by what they are being told by a neurologist based on exam and tests, and is then being driven further into a spiral of seeing the condition as inescapable because they’ve convinced themselves of a worst case scenario.

      This is probably exacerbated by their comments in the past of having normal test results and feeling dismissed by their neurologists in spite of their symptoms, which as I said is not all that uncommon. Most neurologists that don’t specialize in functional neurology don’t handle patients well that have normal test results, and may not even be familiar with the more recent research regarding functional neurological disorders.

      Someone close to me is a neurologist who specializes in functional neurology, so I hear a lot about frustrations regarding the ways in which patients with normal tests but abnormal symptoms can be dismissed and feel unheard by their general neurologists, hence my recommendation OP seek out a subspecialist.

      But the more pressing issue is that OP’s progress in their post history is very alarming with a number of red flags for potential self-harm in the near future (such as “hey Lemmy, how can I leave a permanent record for when I’m gone in a day”), which is especially frustrating given that what they have going on is likely treatable and their self-diagnosis and prognosis is unlikely to be agreed upon by a medical professional without positive test results, which they previously said they didn’t have.

      • some_designer_dude@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Random stranger here, but thanks for calling this out. Hope it helps OP, but I’m just generally glad to see someone’s paying that much attention on the internet.

      • seal_of_approval@sh.itjust.worksOP
        9 months ago

        So, I just went ahead and wrote out basically everything in this comment chain. Most of what I described of my disease before has been a simplification because it’s too complicated to describe in a simple post, but some people had concerns, so I finally described it in detail. I had previously left out a lot of details pertaining to progression and the fact that most of the early disease activity correlates with physical events surrounding a herniated spinal disc, before increasingly going rogue and progressing all on its own. A couple of doctors gave me some good insights, but the disease is still largely mysterious.

        Don’t worry; I’m not planning on doing anything drastic. The urgency is moreso a desire to have peace of mind that everything I write will be published. The passage of time makes me feel uneasy now because my disease is now touching vital functions. Most people assume they will wake up the next day, but I feel like I can’t fully make that assumption anymore. I want to secure my ability to leave a legacy. Once I do, the stakes won’t be so high; I can be more at peace with the situation and won’t have to worry about the odds.

        I’m very unlikely to die tomorrow or this week. I will most likely survive for a bit longer, perhaps a few months or so. This writing thing is a long-term process, more of a retirement activity that I work on every day rather than something I do all at once. I just feel like the odds of survival each day are closer to 499 in 500 rather than 99,999 in 100,000. The true odds are, of course, unknowable, so I am forced to work off of intuition.

        I am still seeking a diagnosis. I’m currently pursuing a sleep study, visit with a neuro-opthalmalogist, and a visit with a new neurologist so I can have fresh eyes on this disease in light of the new evidence. I’m hoping that there is enough progression now that the damage will be radiologically significant. The problem is that I am still months away from them, and I don’t know how long it will take to finally get a full diagnosis, so I want to prepare for the worst ahead of time so I can leave behind a large collection of art and things I’ve made. But I agree with you that there is always a chance that this is survivable; I just cannot know right now. The chaotic breathing is quite concerning, steering me towards accepting the worst outcomes. But I am by no means giving up.

        The bottom line is that the only time I can guarantee exists is now, with the probability of each subsequent second existing following a gradual exponential decay curve that we cannot directly measure. The solution to this problem is to set up the website and stuff for my family now anyway, no matter who’s right or wrong. No matter if my disease or something completely random gets me. No matter if I live for 5 more days or 5 more years. I just feel strongly about keeping a record of myself, and I know that if I had a different serious health problem, I would do the same thing. I have simply crossed a threshold where I am not comfortable with the risk anymore.

        Perhaps I’ve made the impression of having a volatile or unhinged personality, and although this time is pretty stressful, it hasn’t prevented me from enjoying the things I do, writing about my ideas, and even trying art. I might seem a bit manic with my impassioned rant, but really, that was just something I had a lot of fun writing. I was always really awestruck by the nature of existence, and I don’t usually swear that much, so I thought swearing like crazy here would be a good way to communicate the magnitude of my appreciation.

        I appreciate your concerns and criticisms, though.

    • Ataraxia@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      There’s a good chance he has something going on causing him to have a distorted perception if reality. I deal with a lot of people like this who have paranoid delusions and often seem manic in the manor demonstrated in this post. What exactly have they done to treat it so far?