This was put on the bad site 3 years ago and was my most upvoted post. Here is the rest of the details comment, though I’m not sure how much is relevant now.
Distro: Manjaro
WM: bspwm
Compositor: u/iBhagwan fork of picom
Wallpaper: spaceman-jellyfish
Font: Source Code Pro
Statusbar: Polybar (config basically stolen from u/AquillianFireblazer and u/firo_mangafan )
This was put on the bad site 3 years ago and was my most upvoted post. Here is the rest of the details comment, though I’m not sure how much is relevant now.
Distro: Manjaro
WM: bspwm
Compositor: u/iBhagwan fork of picom
Wallpaper: spaceman-jellyfish
Font: Source Code Pro
Statusbar: Polybar (config basically stolen from u/AquillianFireblazer and u/firo_mangafan )
Terminal: URxvt
Shell: zsh
Programs: Doom Emacs, Wordgrinder, ytop, feh, pfetch, scrot, neofetch, htop
Woman falling through water is some art from Erra Neon, snatched from here