The fediverse won’t succeed at putting up a #Stackoverflow substitute and that’s a problem?

Just an impression: All the pieces seem to be there. But what’s required is a team, with devs, PMs and coordinators, dedicated to making a particular place in the #fediverse .

That’s resources and decently sized financial and organisational demands, especially to get a critical mass of users.

Is the fediverse up to that challenge? If not, is it an issue worth addressing?


  • @Madiator2011A
    51 month ago

    Funny fact I just was thinking about asking if we could have good alternative for Stackoverflow that supports federation.

    • maegulOP
      11 month ago


      Technically, we could very much have a federated SO like platform. The moderation work, depending on how much of that you want, could be onerous, but it’s technical viability is exactly why I wrote the post, as I get the feeling it won’t happen mainly because it’s require precisely the kind of resources that the fediverse struggles to muster though the end product would probably be generally desirable.