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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • This was in Altspace VR which unfortunately got axed by Microsoft IIRC, but on there you kinda looked like a less shitty version of one of those Nintendo avatars customized however you wanted.

    The craziest anybody looked on there would be to have like rainbow or blue hair or something along those lines. It was pretty tame compared to like the furry anime cat sex doll looking things some people run around in VR Chat with. It also wasn’t overrun with screaming children which I think is VR Chat’s biggest overall problem.

    Anyway, that support group thing I think has since moved to another platform, I forget which.

  • Some people call VR dystopian, but it’s got great potential too.

    During COVID while I was living alone and we were under lockdown…

    I used a Quest to watch movies in a virtual theater with a bunch of people from around the world. I remember being in a theater watching an absolutely ridiculous Nicolas Cage movie laughing my ass off with a bunch of dudes from Australia. Another time I watched a cricket game with some people who explained the rules to me and kinda gave me some play by play on what was happening.

    I’ve also attended a few support group meetings in VR for coping with loss that had quite a lot of attendants. The meeting was run by a licensed group therapist and we took turns sharing and then reflecting on each others stories. It was frankly amazing.

    I also played mini golf with friends of mine as well as had a couple meetings over a round of mini golf with the other guy on my design team during lockdown. Honestly the best virtual meetings I ever had.

    All of the above were very social and very positive experience. I didn’t feel far away from people, I felt connected to them.

    Same way a smartphone can be a useful tool that enhances your life or a screen you stare at for hours consuming bullshit TikTok videos. You’re in control of what you make of it. You can also stick to a dumb phone and not participate at all.

  • You can’t really even find a 10+ TB SSD easily right now let alone anything approaching 20, so it’s a moot point for now anyway. All that pricing stuff is cyclical though. There was a big spike in SSD prices a couple years ago prior to that huge price drop we just saw. It’ll come back down again eventually.

    We just moved over to a HDD setup recently because I had run out of space on SSD and the amount of space is great, but I forgot how much I hate HDD seek and transfer times and I’m not gonna invest in RAID for now so I guess this is my life.

    Might be smart to maybe keep my most active shows on an SSD and the rest of the catalog on the HDD.

  • It wasn’t publicly spoken about much from what I understand, but headsets were sent to some select developers within a month or so of the announcement. A buddy of mine was working at a company that is basically totally AR/MR focused and they had around 3 units for development purposes. Disney had to have had them even sooner because they were demoing Disney stuff right at the announcement.

    I wouldn’t be totally surprised if the Apollo guy was one of them. He’s an ex Apple employee and Apollo got called out or at least shown in Apple keynotes multiple times before it shut down.

  • They have an expiration date of 4-5 years, so not really an issue. I just think it’s a waste of my time to go to the store to get a 10-20 pack and also a waste of space and a waste of packaging.

    Small annoyance overall I know, but it’s one of my gripes about over the counter medicine here.

    Edit: more annoying is that more hardcore cold medicine is not sold over the counter here at all. Anything with pseudoephedrine is prescription only. Also the sort of actually effective decongestants and antihistimes are all prescription only if they’re even legal at all here.

    But what’s funny is despite that, I can literally walk into the grocery store and buy codeine cough syrup right off the shelf without asking anybody or showing ID. It seems ridiculous to me.