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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Or they could start monitoring for violent words being said.

    A smoke alarm monitors for an emergency, this is for monitoring people. There is a difference.

    It’s not hard to see how the path of “monitor and report” is sliding into a more police state mindset when it’s been show that the best deterrent is education. And before people say “do both”, no. Stuff like this makes kids see the school as the enemy, someone to work around and try to beat. It destroys any trust.

  • Oh Jesus… It’s not about how many you interact with it’s the scale. A companies tech team is a fraction of the size of the call center.

    Call center software is an outlier. Just that massive multiple billion dollar software industry. I mean who even uses Salesforce right?

    But you were assuming people weren’t hourly. So you were assuming you could have people work forced overtime, skilled workers, with nothing going wrong? Oh boy, bold management tactic.

  • My view is survivor bias sure.

    And you’re view is based on anecdotes and assumptions. Things you’ve seen that you assume applies to the entire industry because you’ve worked in QA. Well I’ve worked at multiple companies, in roles from product to engineering, working myself up to the level of CTO. I talk to other CTOs and understand how their teams run and fail. I have to make decisions that keep our tech going and deal with consequences when they aren’t. So forgive me if I don’t put a ton of stock in your statement that “quality doesn’t matter” when I’ve had multiple conversations with executives and multiple experiences that prove that to be false.

    Bottom line is, I’ve told you my point of view, you disagree, that’s fine. You don’t work for me, I don’t need to worry about it. If you truly think quality doesn’t matter and that’s working for you, have at it.

  • Yes, so let me introduce this concept called “swing states” where it is not like NY. There, votes matter. So them voting does matter and have an impact. Either way, even if you know your state will go one way, the outcome of the election is still very impactful to citizens.

    You said the presidential election should be the least concerning election for everyone. That’s just wrong. Swing states have power and the president can impact everyone. It is very consequential to multiple people.

    If you’re upset that NY is always blue blame republicans who are against getting rid of the electoral college and having rank choice voting.

    Or you can just keep insulting me because I disagree with you, that’s a very Republican move.

    But sure, over turning Row v Wade hasn’t impacted you directly so it doesn’t matter. No one should be concerned about the president because big changes to law haven’t impacted you so they shouldn’t matter to anyone. Jfc… Some people were impacted you know, you are aware of that right? And that was a direct result of the president that was elected selecting a conservative justice. But hey, it didn’t effect you so it shouldn’t matter to anyone right?

    “Presidential elections in NY are the least concerning elections as they should be for every fuckin American.”

    You can say I have a comprehension issues all you want, but you seem to think all voters shouldn’t care about the presidental election because it won’t impact you in NY, big lol.