Blood rain, giblets, and warm bullet casings
Mild, sharp, and sharper cheese tastings
Metal dudes shredding their taut guitar strings
These are a few of my favorite things

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • About to start the 4th episode of Blood: Fresh Supply. It’s the last of the major players from the old doom clones that I have left to play. I’m most impressed by how it manages to have its own identity in that crowd rather than truly just be a doom clone like many were. Love the horror setting and the weapons are all excellent, effective, and unique. I couldn’t believe it until I tried it myself, but I think it actually might have the best double barrel shotgun in all of gaming. Looking forward to finishing it up and moving on to Cultic, which I will have a much greater appreciation for now.

  • Not gonna lie, I’m a little concerned after this patch. I don’t think it’s entirely unfair to make comparisons to the first game seeing as it’s a sequel (up to you to agree/disagree). But with this patch especially, the philosophy differences between the two are becoming more apparent.

    In 1, there was almost no primary that was useless altogether. Certainly no support or AT that was useless. And even at the high levels the armor spam wasn’t as ridiculous and we had more reliable tools to deal with it.

    If they want things to be harder, why did they change the reinforce system to be objectively easier? That system change is my single biggest 1>2 gripe.

    This after seeing one of the devs back this balance patch by constantly (and imo not so professionally, but I’m a boomer like that I guess) on Discord chide people not happy about the changes to “just go play an idle game” if they want an easy power fantasy cake walk.

    Like I said, major concerns for me. The response to this will tell the tale. I never could get into DRG primarily because they seemed to prioritize difficulty balancing way over having fun in combat. Same thing with Deadlink which should have been a fave of mine. I really hope to not see HD2 go that route when I’ve touted HD1 as one of my faves and a contender for best coop game of all time for years now.