What fbi?
For some reason I’m feeling so Amish… Seems like they were so right with technology risks :-)
There is no ‘lawful access’ without a warrant or my permission. there aren’t laws saying padlocks need to support a government master key, and encryption is just a digital lock.
With a pad lock they do have a key though. Bolt cutters.
Bolt cutters are not a key, they are a method of bypassing the lock. they still need a warrant to do that, which is the point.
The laws don’t exist though because they’re so easily circumvented. If you AES256 encrypt something today, there’s an extremely lonely chance they can’t crack it. For years.
With a padlock they can just pull out the cutters and they’re done.
I’m just referring to your point on why there are no laws against padlocks in this context.
fair enough, padlock was the wrong type of lock for the analogy. how about a vault door? sure that may not be as common, but you don’t have to support a government master key for those either.
Same thing goes for vaults, or all physical locks. It may take a little longer than a padlock but nothing comparable to the amount of time it would take to brute force good encryption. We’re talking maybe a couple of hours or days for a vault vs. millions of years.
so? does the quality of my lock change whether or not I should be allowed to have it?
Um, no.
It’s not my responsibility to make the FBI’s job (or any cop’s job) easier.
Also, folks should be using 3rd party open-source encryption, like VeraCrypt and a password manager that encrypts the database, like Keepass. Don’t ever expect governments and corporations to respect your privacy.
Well too bad.
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Neither did he last administration and neither will the next. They want us polarized and fighting each other so we don’t fight them.
Neither did he last administration and neither will the next.
That’s like saying that neither tepid bath water nor boiling tea water are “cold.”
I don’t actually agree that your analogy applies, because it ignores my point.
Neither “side” (as if there were only a binary choice but that’s how they want you to think) wants you to have privacy. Be united with those who want to fight for those rights instead of divided on other policies which are political smokescreens.
Maybe a better analogy is that we are drowning in water that is not cold, maybe it’s tepid and maybe its boiling. But arguing over which is worse really doesn’t matter because we’ll be dead in a minute anyway.
My life would be much worse if I lived through a boiling water bath than if I managed to live through a room temperature bath, so very good analogy.
The eugenicists running the country have cooked it already so even if we survive it’s still horribly damaged forever.
Exactly. And “leftists” are as hell- bent on division as rightists. We’re on the same side, if people could set aside differences and focus on similarities, that would be great.
ETA qualification. I am talking about Americans, sorry.
“Division” is good when one side is fucking Nazis who are literally Sieg Hiel saluting each other. You’re not supposed to get along with or cooperate with Nazis. Stop with this bullshit false equivalence. At this point it’s downright dangerous.
I am talking about citizens. What if we had this attitude about Russia during WW2 and Afghanistan? Please close your eyes and try to imagine that.
Nothing you’re saying makes sense actually. What are you talking about?
Historical facts. Both those wars would have gone very differently if not for working with people with whom we had ideological differences.
Cigarettes and meth are both bad for your health. One is much worse than the other though.
Well continue on doing what you’ve always done, surely you’ll get a different result this time.
lmao no government does
I want a pony
So get a warrant.
any ‘lawful’ access that’s baked-in will also be used and exploited ‘unlawfully’.
They understand this 100%
And they don’t give a shit 100%
“So don’t make us torture you for encryption keys got it?”
fbi want direct access to encrypted data while simultaneously also all data to be encrypted in order to be protected from china?
do explain how this is all going to work because it’s extremely confusing.
Thanks for your interest, but I’ll have to pass.
I warn FBI. Fuck you.