Summary of the video (generated by Kagi):

  • Addis Map Transit works to map public transportation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia using OpenStreetMap. They have mapped bus routes, stations and worked to provide digital transportation information services.
  • Digital Matatus Consortium worked to map matatu (mini-bus) routes in Nairobi, Kenya to provide open transportation data and analyze accessibility issues. They standardized the data in GTFS format.
  • Truy Association helps make public transportation easier and more accessible in the global South through mobile apps and open data. They encourage communities to map their transportation systems.
  • Mobility Hub created an online course to teach people how to map public transportation in OpenStreetMap, covering topics like GTFS and using the JOSM editor.
  • Mapping transportation helps provide digital route planning apps and services, empowering users and operators. It also allows analysis of issues like access to services.
  • Open data standards like GTFS are important to make transportation data usable in apps and analysis. Converting OSM data to GTFS was a focus.
  • Community involvement and crowdsourced data helps keep transportation maps accurate and up-to-date as systems change.
  • Presenters discussed challenges like gaining permissions and maintaining government relationships and data.
  • Transportation mapping empowers underserved groups and improves planning and equitable access to opportunities.
  • Open source tools, networks and training are needed to support mapping efforts globally, especially in the global South.